Sep 25 2016

Lake Lacar

The phone rang when I was reading the article. A feminine, precise voice reminded him of his visit to La Estancia, good, the journal would be read later. I had to prepare medicines and everything you need for the rat of the sheds and around the House. He thought of the Mare, was improving, but still with cramps, although more distanced. It should also de-worming dogs and supervise the plaster of the leg of wild boar. Did Nelson, his assistant, he helped in the preparations. Once organized and delegating commercial veterinary care to the young man, sailed past ten o’clock in the morning with the Break overstuffed elements for their work.

Entering the route began skirting the Lake Lacar. Its beauty has the geography of a fjord but freshwater is impressive; It reflects the verdes-azules of the forests that cover the hills, forming a voluptuous curves on its surface, demonstrating the folded form of the same. He continued to average March ascent of the route, a friendly greeting to a countryman mapuche who goes walking towards the town, beside their catango pulled by two oxen. On the davit were seated two children whose looks serious and distant watched the car pass. In the distance, where the Lake continues its course towards the Pacific Ocean, bordering mountains look like painted. As all the people who love this place, Nacho feels the weight of that beauty, although it is protected within the Lanin National Park, you know the danger that runs that intangible place. Through his mind crossing as slogans; Green for green, eutrophication redemption felling indiscriminate fire forest… but well, would enjoy this autumn day, good music on the radio and a day’s work in the field. Around noon it became La Estancia. He stopped at the House of the peacefulness, the dogs came to receive him, but one that was hiding, surely remembered the last injection who cured of distemper.

Sep 16 2016

Private Health Insurance

Tariffs for high rebates healthy people pay sometimes high premiums for their health insurance, without any corresponding services. Some private insurers offer therefore rates that allow prorated refunds of contributions. The private insurance Portal informs factors when choosing a tariff are taken into account. Rates with a high premium refunds are interesting for those, which are rarely sick and take a few services such as doctor visits and drugs claim. Especially for young employees without children it can be worthwhile to compare corresponding offers. Such tariffs tend to be less suitable for children and the elderly are because these groups experience more often rely on medical services.

Private health insurance companies appear attractive in General, however, a greater risk of doing that the contributions will skyrocket. On average, the premiums increase annually to six Percent. Those who still prefer private insurance the statutory, should inform about the possibilities of the rebates. Various companies offer plans with appropriate options. The amount of the reimbursement is either calculated according to criteria such as the age and the tariff or set as a lump sum. When choosing the appropriate insurance, inter alia the scope of services and the value for money must be observed in addition to the amount of monthly contributions and the annual bonus. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann

Sep 7 2016

Head Massage

Head massage is a wonderful tool of alternative medicine. He not only is simple to implement, requires no special equipment and can take place anywhere and at any time, it also helps. Roots scalp massage go back centuries. Its occurrence is associated with the two great medical schools – the Indian Ayurveda and the ancient Tibetan medicine. Even though the fact that Tibet has a head massage was brought to the ancient Indian doctors, two schools of massage of the head continued to evolve independently and at the moment we can talk about two kinds of massage therapy of the head – the Indian and Tibetan. Indian head massage school more energetic and focused on stimulating blood circulation of the head, neck and shoulders.

Tibetan head massage is a rather more relaxing with the use of acupuncture techniques and aims to achieve energy balance. In practice same masters often use techniques of both schools, which allows more flexibility to respond to the patient's problems and achieve better results. In many cases, a head massage is extremely useful and recommended for insomnia, stress, increased anxiety, dizziness, depression, increased emotionality, muscle cramps, back pain and migraines. Also, a head massage has beneficial effects on the patient's condition at different liver, stomach and other diseases. And, of course, do not forget that the use of different massage oil has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair.

Scalp massage is also excellent tool for the prevention of overweight and struggle with him as he copes with emotional disorders, which in turn are the causes of excess weight. The course of the massage heads can be very effective in the prevention of various diseases, since he stimulates the brain and its relation to the body at all. Come to a head massage, and you can much better to resist all the temptations of modern life. A unique feature of scalp massage is its accessibility in terms of development of techniques such as massage, and self-massage, which makes it simply indispensable in a totally different situations. Having mastered the techniques of self-massage, the person no longer needs to massage and can bring significant relief themselves independently. To study the self-massage and massage techniques are not difficult, since there is a lot of literature for self-study, and a considerable number of courses where you can learn this art. How to choose a course of massage – is the theme of our next article.