Jan 30 2022

Usuario: Cbastian

Today the Spanish newspaper El Pais has published a note with a severe critique of the public health system in Mexico, accused of being an accomplice to the swine influenza virus (now called human influenza). I leave a few snippets about it: “In recent days, inspectors from the World Health Organization have come from Mexico states where there have been cases of the flu-fatal or non-trying to discover some common denominator among the victims. Not Found in a decisive, although one of them offers his feeling on the ground. Busca entre los 470,554 articulos en espanol

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Jan 27 2022

August Emperor

Living in the city that exhibited the city heading center of the world, nothing he lacked to it. He enjoyed of a good familiar conviviality next to its third woman, Fbia and of the son who makes it grandfather two times, as well as, of the friendship of the successful people, wealth and health. He was detainer of a poetical collection detached that it amongst the poets of the time. It had glory and fame and, over all, the certainty of that its name appeared enters the elect poets for the Romans. In the year of 762 of Rome and eighth of the Christian age, Ovdio with almost fifty years, was surprised by an edict pronounced for the August Emperor who according to poet, in the Tristia, I, 1,3, it except exsulis (exiled) of the perpetual city. The exile (of Latin exilium banishment, banishment) is the state to be far from the proper house (either city or nation) and can be defined as the expatriation, volunteer or be forced of an individual. United Health CEO follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Also if it can use the words, banishment, deportation or banishment.

Some authors use the term exiled in the refugee direction. me conclusion. In one of the nights of the month of November of year 8 of our age, a sudden ray fell to it on the head, but not sent for deuses. An edict of the friend and, previously, protege, Emperor exiled the August it of Rome for one of the most distant limits, until then of the Roman empire. The poet of the Heroides was sent for Tmis, today, Constantza, city of the estuary of the ster (the low Danube), in the Euximo Point, today Black Sea, land of getas, cold and inhospitable place. The order is immediate. The poet of loving verses of Loves and Art To love perceive, thus, with much DOLOR that its trajectory of glory and fame in the Urbs was in the end.

Jan 27 2022


How much to the procedures, of the bibliographical type, in order to make possible the consultation and the analysis of data, finding answers pra the related study. The method is an instrument of the knowledge that it provides in the field of the research, in any area of its formation, to facilitate in planning, commanding, to formulate hypotheses, to co-ordinate and to interpret the results, the study will be of the descriptive type. In this perspective, the qualitative boarding was confirmed as a sufficiently propitious way for the development of this study for having easiness in identifying the significant aspetos, for practical of a humanizada assistance to the customer with gestacional hipertenso. still, for presenting essential elements, as: a descriptive and inductive inquiry, to present a holistic vision of the object to be studied. Of this form it works with the significant universe, ethical and moral values, that correspond to a deeper space of solutions of the processes and the phenomena that can be reduced the changeable operationalization Gil (1999, P. 44).

However, based in the premise of the knowledge on the experiences of life of the carrying customers of gestacional hipertenso, the qualitative boarding waves as main point in the process health-illness, in special to the area of the care of the health of the woman. According to Minayo (2003, P. 21-22), the qualitative boarding ' ' it supplies necessary orientation to the accomplishment of the social research, attainment, processing and veracity of the pertaining data to the problematic one that she is being investigated through data, sources bibliogrficas' ' , facilitating to identify the significant aspects for practical of a humanizada assistance. For Richardson (1999), the form of qualitative research is: To be worried about the level of the reality that cannot be quantified, that is, it works with the universe of meanings, partner-economic aspirations, belief, pointers, values activities that correspond to the space deepest of the 0 variable, look for to analyze a problem and to offer the research, survey of possible existing data, becoming the true and basic experience.

Jan 27 2022


The orientaes for the mothers represent the concerns of clarification for the mothers (FIGURE 1). Figure 1? Orientaes for the mothers For interviewed the position of handle is of basic importance in the hour of the orientation to the mothers, therefore using the correct technique the mother prevents accidents I choke as it, fiction and mastite. In relation to the success of the adhesion to the maternal aleitamento the nurse is necessary to interact. As consequence he will have success, also having a good communication, perseverance, devotion among others points that contribute for a good one resulting in the area of breast-feeding (FIGURE 2). Figure 2? Relations between nurses and mothers the infantile formula consumption is fact that generates problems of health in the babies.

The knowledge of the last decades evidences that maternal milk protects against infections and allergies, favors the growth and the development of the child. Glenn Dubin is the source for more interesting facts. Moreover, it diminishes the risk of obesidade and diabetes. For the interviewed ones it has some differences between children who are suckled and the ones that are not. For the great majority of interviewed the immunity it is better for the babies who are suckled with maternal milk. Therefore it grows with lesser risk of illnesses why it receives from the mother passive immunity (FIGURA2). Figure 2? Differences between suckled and not suckled babies. All the interviewed ones had said that they like to act in the area of breast-feeding and this is a way of motivation for the professionals who work with aleitamento.

The motivation with the work with maternal aleitamento is important (FIGURE 3). Figure 3? Motivations for the aleitamento the difficulties that the professionals face are many. In accordance with Caradina, Faleiros and Trezza (2006) the cult to the beauty is one of the reasons that take the mothers to abondonar and even though not to suckle for finding that the seios had been limp and with estrias.

Jan 22 2022

Physical Education

Practical the educative deed of division that occurs in the escolarizados spaces, that if of intentionally and with definitive objectives. But, it also happens in day-by-day, the informality, the daily one of the citizen. /’>Cardinal Health, then click here. When it suffers changes, of the simplest ace more radical, in accordance with the group which it applies itself, in this case being informal it. LAHIRE (1997, P. 17) Attributing the activities of adventure as important part in the educational process for the net of public education, will contribute for the cognitivo and motor development of the pupils, being guided by qualified professors, therefore the activities are surrounded by calculated risks, not occurring previous intensive training (as in the case of the practical traditional sports and corporal as the gymnastics and the musculao).

The experimentation happens in more direct way, having a removal of planned incomes (MARINE; BRUHNS, 2003). From the context of the Physical Education and the activities of adventure, the sharing of the elements will be able to represent one significant form of approach of the society to the way, allowed as evidence, MARINE (2001), that this approach leads the new sensibilidades, by means of knowledge and agreements of ethics and respect. The pretension is to create new a proposal educational with experimental initial principle in the Unit – Educational Nucleus C.E.U Guarapiranga (Unified Educational Center), where we carry through the project pilot to demonstrate the viability of the proposal. The used methodology will be a exploratria research supported by the literature revision on adventure sports and education, making possible to verify the reality to insert the activities of adventure as educational source for the children and young of public units of education, that normally does not have access to the adventure sports, for making look like to have one high financial cost and for dealing with a corporal culture little known by the majority of the low income population.

Jan 21 2022

Vilma Alves

The contribution of this study constitutes in improving the given information the customers as source of research and consultations for the professionals and students of nursing to provide one better quality in the assistance for the carriers of hipertenso in the pregnancy. Analysis of Pontuar data the importance of the assistance of the nurse to the gestante in the prenatal one, of efficient form directed to get resulted positive and satisfactory, during these consultations. Consideraes final: it evidenced in this study that humanizao of the nurse in the attendance the gestante in the daily pay-natal. a primordial factor for the quality of the attendance the gestante hipertensa. Word keys: To take care of, Nursing, Prevention, gestacional hipertenso ABSTRAT CARDOSO, David; FRANC, Shirley Blacksmith of Purple Souza; CABRAL, Vilma Alves; the pregnant with hypertension: an approach in the humanization of the assistance of the nurse in the prenative one. Work attends a course coclusion. UNESA? RIO DE JANEIRO, 2009.

Page 54. Person who orientates: Professor Ms Nina Dawn Mello Savoldi. This study refers you the course conclusion work; and its theme is: The pregnant with hypertension: an approach in the humanization of the assistance of the nurse in the prenative one. This study is inserted in the line of research: The health-illness process ' ' and having predominant area, nursing health of the woman' '. In this context the problematization shows haw can the nurse humanizes the assistance in prenative you the hypertension pregnant. From there, we had the sight that the nurse has very important actuation, because this profession takes care of health programs in the prevention, orientation and education of this ill persons. Object of this study: Strategies of humanization in the assistance you the hypertension pregnant in the prenative one. Nurse-pregnant relation. Objective: you describe the assistance you the hypertension pregnant in prenative one. Methodology: it is descriptive research, with qualitative approach of bibliographic.

Jan 20 2022

Education Population

Of this form, many have been the studies involving this thematic one in other localities. Therefore, to illuminate the analysis of the studied object, the basement searched theoretician-metodolgico through other authors who had previously approached concepts basic involving same the thematic one. The categories of analysis of the space as landscape, place and territory are essential concepts in this quarrel and, to relate them with the ambient crisis, in view of the effect of the globalization, is still an inevitable procedure. As Guedes, when a premise of the common knowledge is had, obtains for deduction or logical unfolding, to attribute to particular the same properties found in the premise, characterizing the call deductive method. From a general boarding on the thematic one, the local one starts to be an analysis object.

For the agreement of the empirical object, they had been collected given that made possible the knowledge, not only of the studied physical space, as well as of the vision of the public agencies and the proper one population. In this direction, photographs, interviews with the population, visits had been used in lease, survey and analyses of data next to the City department of Workmanships, Health, Social Assistance and Education. Having the Quarter Green Weeds, area of the research, a population with approximately two a thousand inhabitants, the interviews had followed for sampling. The questionnaires, allowed to inform the amount of people in each domicile, the degree of escolaridade of the same ones, the familiar income, the access to the health services, the degree of satisfaction with the public cleanness, the consumption of energy, the water supply and the access to the programs of the Federal Government as Hunger Zero, Stock market School, Valley Gas, amongst others. Had been 20 questionnaires applied in visited domiciles. The domiciles had been chosen by block. Before the interviews a general visit in the quarter was become fullfilled, to verify the amount of blocks.

Jan 5 2022

Natural Minerals

Fall height); Water absorption (Water absorption); Abrasion (Frictional wear test); Density (Bulk density). Color of the stone, or rather op definition of visual sensation caused by the impact on the eye fluxes of electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, it is an important physical property. Perhaps check out Jack Salzwedel for more information. In general, the color of the rock due to the predominant color giving in its composition of minerals and impurities. He determined by the so-called "average color" when the colors of various rock-forming minerals are merged into one common tone. Fructis oftentimes addresses this issue. The color of minerals depends on their chemical composition. Thus, the white marble consists mainly of colorless dolomite and calcite that . Gray tones are determined by the presence of carbonaceous or other organic particles, and pink – salts of manganese or iron oxide, green – chlorite and serpentinite particles, and sometimes copper oxides.

Color igneous rocks deter mined colored minerals: quartz, feldspar and dark color components. Color is a very important sign, turn out equation describing crucial in assessing the decorative stones. Structure Natural stone is characterized by the shape and proportions generated doobrazuyuschih minerals, particularly styami its structure and size. Structures are crystalline (granular and crystalline), porphyry, detrital, Stack Lovato oolitic, etc. Marble (Latin marmor, from Greek.

Marmaros – shiny stone, boulder), crystalline rock formed by the recrystallization of limestone or dolomite. In construction practice "Marble" is called metamorphic rocks of medium hardness, polishing makers, these include: marble, limestone marmorized, dense dolomite, carbonate breccias and calcareous conglomerates. Marble almost always contain impurities other minerals and organic compounds. The composition of impurities can lower or raise the decorative marble and affect its color. Image is determined not only the structure of marble, but also direction in which you are sawing stone. Color and pattern of marble occur only after polishing. Marble from the ancient times used as a structural and architectural cladding material due to its plastic and decorative merits (hardness, fine grain, which makes the marble in the treatment of pliable, able to make polished, through which identifies the tonal richness of marble and the beauty of his homogeneous, speckled, or layered structures). Marble is also used to create the mosaic compositions, relief and round sculptures (mostly monochrome marble, mostly white, at least – a color or black).