Nov 10 2014

The Supreme

This is psychology. Not generalizing, but many lunatic asylums would be a form to limit the expression of I – individual of each one, therefore any shunting line in relation to a normal behavior had to be observed and to be followed of immediate punishment. Madness is old, always existed, but it is also much more young of what if it can imagine. It is treated madness on some etnolgicos points: biological, supernatural and as a social shunting line the proper search of itself. I will not speak very on the sacred aspect where if they portray madnesses. Yes, I read and I do not ignore what it is written in this part, however has things more important in me point of view to be portraied. is always good for remembering: Diversity is not necessarily illness. It has a prominence that she is necessary to be instigated on this such abstract rationality where one ' ' louco' ' it makes it and that few understand for this fact, fact where many do not know nor what are this and they do not look for to arrive inside of itself same and to use of this abstract and individual thought.

Thus, madness and the insane person threaten the world. In century XVI madness it finished being confiscated for a dominadora reason that if called ' ' conscience crtica' '. then in elapsing of century XVII, in the Europe, internment houses are created where madness is restrained. unhappyly from this such rationalism the wisdom and madness if separates. Through the text, I could observe that since always all the obstacles that the society in mass finds outside of order, they try to get the exclusion, and this done age and is until today through lunatic asylums. in this century madness arrived to be considered an ethical error. Of – giving credit itself? each time that the world went if becoming complex more, more cases of madness appeared we can say that the medicine, yes, the one that pra would serve curing in them, if become abetter of the moral total. madness turns the object medical studies (psychiatrist): therefore it gains the value of illness.

ironically speaking, fits to the doctor to appeal to the half ones as alimentary threats, punishments, privations, humilhaes and everything this so that the supreme power can infantilizar to culpabilizar the insane person. Therefore, if the doctor was capable to circumscribe madness, he is not he knows because it, and yes he dominates because it. Something that I considered very important was the following stretch: ' ' he is the not-insane person who knows louco' '. Then, why? The not-insane person follows norms and behaviors and obtains to observe individuals that leave this axle outside. Madness will be always present threat in a society that has horror to the different one, that it restrains the diversity of the Real to the uniformity of the scientific rational order. ' ' that one day our interioridade comes to be resgatada' '.