Oct 28 2017

Food Quality

What person in their right mind will choose from two options less profitable for yourself when the other options on the same level? This applies not only to people with low incomes, but also secured to citizens. Knowing more profitable option, save on food, so the savings are not impacted negatively on health. But no one calls you to what to buy low-quality food and thereby harm the body. in principle the fact that the expensive food means good quality, is not obvious! When you purchase goods in supermarkets and grocery stores, should first pay attention to composition, shelf life and some other important points (for each product individually), and then on cost. Mandatory fad of our expenses are food! And basically people do not think about how to save on food, so the savings are not impacted negatively on health. But no one does not call you to ensure that buying low-quality food and thereby harm the body. in principle the fact that the expensive food means good quality, is not obvious! When you purchase goods in supermarkets and grocery stores, should first pay attention to composition, shelf life and some other important points (for each product individually), and then on cost.

In general, the fact that we buy only high quality food, we defined! Do not forget about the clever saying 'we-are what we eat'! But then the way in which economize on their food? The answer is: 'From the vast number of different recipes, we prefer the most simple'! Let the example of will be loved by all, salads. There is of course the mass of salad consisting of 12 or more ingredients. But it goes about it, because the 'supercomplex' salads can not save and also one of us will prepare these salads more holidays! Pay more attention to simple summer salad recipes! Salads as seafood, meat and other ingredients are obtained tasty, and will bring no less joyful sensations of taste than salads consisting of more products, but the 'main plus' of salads is that they consist only of 5-6 different products, and therefore, cook them and save time! For example, everyone's favorite salad 'Caesar' has hundreds of recipes cooking, but let's choosing the easiest-salad will please everyone! In addition to all the balance of funds can indulge in some trifles and charge even more good cheer. This gives a way to save opportunity to comfortably and with tasty live in a crisis, rather than wait for its completion. Remember the main motto of the choice of products: 'The main thing is not the number of products and quality of food'! This phrase will help in saving wisely, plus myself and the joy others! Now you know the version of the savings to your budget on food. Prepare delicious and your family will thank you!

Oct 24 2017

Emergency Care

Trauma – cross-sectional, the sudden impact of external factors on the human body, leading to structural damage, the anatomical integrity of tissues and disturbance of physiological functions. The summer is over, and now it is, later, an Indian, and did soon leave. And come to us gray Moscow Autumn with slush, sleet and ‘podskolznushkami’. Fortunately, if you will crawl to the house yourself, or someone will stand up. But the trauma is provided. How to minimize it, we tell you in the loop of our articles.

We sought advice from regional and central points of Traumatology, many research centers and institutes. Collected considerable material. But, in our opinion, the capacitance, short and popular explained to us the author’s situation and judge the materials on this topic – Yuri Sokolov Jaroslavovich doctor, lawyer, independent expert on security for more than 30 years of experience in martial arts: 6 Dan Ju-Jitsu Ryu yukyu 5 Dan Karate -serinkan 4 Dan Koba-to 2-Dan Chanbara sports manager sports club ‘Karma’ Chief Physician All Japan Federation of Jiu-Jitsu in the Russian Federation Chief Physician Chanbara-sport Moscow. Produced many masters of sport in boxing, sambo, judo, sambo. An experienced teacher of special training in law enforcement government agencies, a consultant for the physical protection and security. A few years taught bodyguards. Author of several articles on safety and health training. Co-author of several books on special training in private security companies.

Classification of types of injuries Isolated trauma (damaged organ or bone). Multiple trauma (damage to two or more body). Concomitant injury (injury related to multiple organ systems. For example, hip fractures and head trauma). Combined injury (a combination of several damaging factors. For example, break and burn) Procedures for Injury Survey the scene. Check whether potential or actual sources of danger to you or to others, noting, where is the victim and in any position, to ascertain the mechanism of injury and the need to stabilize the cervical vertebrae. Personal security. Primary survey (airway, breathing, circulation). A quick inspection for states that represent a direct threat to life, and appropriate therapeutic measures. After the initial examination, if necessary, to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Only after restored as airway, breathing, blood circulation, pass a thorough examination of the victim. Assessment of patient Personal Safety Inspect the scene and stabilize the victim. Inspect the scene and the victim, trying to identify the signs of pre-existing medical condition that could cause an accident. Inspect the place incident and explain the nature of the forces, whose impact was subjected to the victim. Physical examination, primarily to assess the state of airway, breathing and circulation, followed should be identified and begin .

Oct 24 2017

Stuffy Noses And Red Eyes

The season has begun, and thus also the hay fever season Wolfsburg, April 21, 2010 – the pollen season are subject to weather conditions and can vary. Especially mild winters often lead to a pollen-rich spring. The most common trigger of allergy to pollen are the early bloomers birch, alder and Hazel. A Hayfever patient’s immune system considers the proteins of as foreign pollen”an and responds with an increased secretion of antibodies and inflammatory substances (histamine”): skin and mucous membranes swell as a result of this immunological overreaction. Those affected are plagued with sneezing attacks and fluent coryza. The symptoms often manifest themselves on the mucous membranes. The mucous membranes of eyes and nose swelling primarily after direct contact with the allergen.

The conjunctiva of the eye may ignite. The first symptoms are feeling pressure, increased tearing and itching. Often the allergic conjunctivitis with fluent coryza and sneezing occurs. The secretion at the is allergic-related fluent coryza, unlike in the cold cold, water. Also cough and shortness of breath occurs during the main flowering season of pollen, which can be a symptom of asthma. The treatment of hay depends on the severity of the disease.

Drugs of choice are antihistamines and cortisone similar substances. For moderate symptoms, a local application is sufficient. In severe cases, appropriate preparations in tablet form help. Christina Impala which directly is GesundheitsWelt GmbH was founded in a young online companies from Wolfsburg, which 2007 employees of the Deutsche BKK. The Internet portal offers its customers quality tested products around the topics of health, fitness and wellness. This service is rounded off by a carefully researched editorial content.

Oct 24 2017

Breast Cancer

It is the tumor of increased mortality among women, currently, all over the world and the second in frequency, after lung cancer. The cure of breast cancer depends on early detection. In humans its incidence is very low. The number of deaths has doubled in the past 20 years, in developed countries where mortality is highest. More than half of the cases were diagnosed in developed countries, such as Europe and the United States. While countries with less incidence are Japan, Nigeria and india. The breasts of women consist of glands that are called lobes and lobules.

These glands are connected each other through channels that are through which circulates the milk toward the nipple. Breast cancer occurs when breast cells grow so abnormal and disorganized, and can damage other organs in the body. Risk factors there are many and depend on every woman. But the main factors are: being a woman, is one of the factors most important, and estrogens. Its incidence increases with age, reaching contrast between each country.

While in some parts is presented over 60, in others, between 40 and 45 years old. As you can see, exposure to estrogen during the life of the woman may be an important risk factor, so it is related with the hormonal State breast cancer: – by the beginning of a very early menstruation – at the end of menstruation, after age 55. -With the parity. -In advanced age pregnancies. These are the States where there are increases in estrogen levels in women. A self-examination is very important for the detection of breast cancer and a clinical exam, although the test more safe is called a mammogram. Each one of them deserves special attention, because if the cancer is detected at an early age, there are many more possibilities for a total healing and saving suffering by women.

Oct 23 2017


A friend when seeing a person badly dressed transiting for the street always said that the person did not have friends, therefore had they would not leave it to leave that form. To be dressed is a daily challenge for men well and women and for this were created some styles to illustrate the figurinos. As we are speaking of day the day follows some tips to be dressed using to advantage the parts of its guard well daily clothes. To start we go to say of the jeans, depending on the combination the same part can transmit a style deloused or elegant. He sees well if you to place a Scarpin and a jeans and one camisete, will be ready to go to the office or a more formal lunch. On the other hand if you to place one baby look and a tennis will make a style say accidental, to be that its babylook either of one of these florescentes colors and its tennis follows the same trend, you you will not make that style deloused the confection of its model you make all the difference a black skirt and one blusinha of light satin handle for example (nothing very shining) and to blaser of same color of the skirt, with certainty will go to transmit an image formal, already if you to take off blaser with certainty will go to transmit a more accidental image without being vulgar. If you are above of the weight you do not use nothing very just that it is not well and very wide fattening, you ponder, the half term you are the best exit. For those with little seio, well-taken care of he cuts off with it can devaluate the bust and for those with very seio he forgets the belt above the waist will call much attention. It gives much attention in the stock market that will go to use to compose the appearance, a wrong choice and babau, finishes with the figurino.

Oct 17 2017

Criminon CIS

October 25, 2010. Every day, a lecturer in Moscow schools to read to children Criminon CIS anti-crime and anti-drug lectures. Criminon CIS – a nonprofit organization that creates a safe environment and helps to start productive life without crime. In addition to the rehabilitation of prisoners is an impressive work on crime prevention. Criminon CIS helps people choose the path of life that suits them.

And certainly, we believe that the special role played in the lives of children who do not yet know much, or do not know how to use their own knowledge. Our lecturer in his lectures to share their experiences and knowledge. Communicating with children at all for a variety of topics, particularly attention they give information about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. We will never impose their own opinion, but we only share our knowledge and conclusions from the above, do the children themselves. It is safe to say that students enjoy the opportunity to decide on what life the way they move. Submission of data takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, because our lectures are always backed up by outstanding examples of life. Someone may say, that children can not themselves make the right decisions on such important topics. We do not agree that, as a rule, after our lectures, they make very accurate conclusions.

Especially nice is that they have their own, and we give them only helped to come to this. Examples of this are reviewed, written after a lecture: “I knew that smoking, drinking, using drugs and injecting harmful. Those people who use drugs, smoke, inject, drink, die. Drugs – is poison. I never tried drugs, and will not try. ” 6 “B” “Drugs are not taken. Alcohol, cigarettes – it poisons the body. They can never accept. They destroy all the vitamins in the body. They are memories are hazy. The man wants the first few times more, then he gets a buzz and he wants to sleep, and then he’ll die if you do not stop! “” I realized that I do not smoke or take drugs, because it acts on the brain and destroys vitamins and calcium. ” “I came to the conclusion that I will only lead a healthy lifestyle. People who do not drink, smoke, stabbing themselves drugs. After all, there are vitamins! I really liked the lecture. ” As outlined in his book “The Way to Happiness” by L. Ron Hubbard: “Today’s children – is tomorrow’s civilization.” Criminon helping to create tomorrow without crime, and every person who is not indifferent to the problems of society can take involved.

Oct 6 2017

Anxiety Disorders In The Elderly

In the elderly is a common symptom but is an uncommon syndrome, ie does not meet all the criteria. Is not isolated, if not that accompanies other conditions such as depression. Generalized anxiety is similar to adult but more somatizing and phobias are also similar. Panic disorders are common but was also diagnosed recently. Agoraphobia is rare but often occurs in the form of physical difficulty (dizziness, unsteadiness, etc.). (Dr. L.

Aguera (SU of Psychiatry, October 12U Hospital, Madrid). As we can find causes: – External Stressors . – Major depression. – Anxiety episodic or self-limiting. – Start Recurrent anxiety in adulthood. – neurotic late-onset disorder. – Phobic anxiety acute late onset. – Dementia, hypochondria, insomnia, medical condition.

– Adverse drug reactions . The treatment must include the family, with an etiological treatment and consider different treatments: psychotropic drugs (not always), psychotherapy, psychomotor therapy and relaxation. Conclusions: – very common symptom. – Deterioration in the quality of life. – Increased health costs. – Treatment effectively. – New drugs. Physical exercise has been successfully prescribed for treatment of anxiety (Berger 1989, Brown 1990; Brannon & Feist 1992, Ojanen 1994). At the same time it reduces anxiety and muscle tension, exercise helps to reduce and prevent stress. The best remedy for stress is regular physical activity (Brannon & Feist 1992), whereas anxiety is the best aerobic exercise (Ojanen 1994). Brannon and Feist (1992) suggest that aerobic exercise is very effective in the treatment of generalized anxiety but could also help with panic disorders. There are connections between physical activity and mental health in other areas that are not mentioned above, but have not been studied in depth. These areas include improving self-esteem and self confidence same, greater life satisfaction and overall general well-being (Berger 1989, Brannon & Feist 1992, Morris 1992; Ruuskanen & Ruoppila 1995, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) 1996). Not established a clear relationship with psychotic disorders (Ojanen 1994). Tuson and Sinyor (1993) found that mood changes can be predicted by the concept that each one of the meaning of physical exercise and other physical activities, as well as exercise duration realizado.Unas positive expectations, commitment and conviction that physical activity has beneficial effects, reinforcing the positive impact of exercise on mental health (Ojanen 1994). It seems that the intensive and continuous exercise is most effective (Kaplan et al 1993, Ojanen 1994, Shephard 1994, Clark 1996). The longer a person has done exercise, the stronger the link between mental health and physical activity (McAuley & Rudolph 1995). In light of recent research findings, it appears that physical exercise and other forms of physical activity are the most important means by which a person can influence their own health and functional capacity, and to preserve a good quality of life in the elderly.