Aug 20 2013

The Road To Success 10 Habits To Conquer The Triumph

The key to a successful life, is to realize that this is a learned habit. Success is often defined as obtaining health, fame, social position, and money among others. However, in very general terms the success is the realization continues the results or products that you want to obtain from the activities you do. So you will need to take and dominate the following habits if you really want to become a winner. Take the responsibility of your single life there is a person responsible for the quality of life you’re wearing and that person is you. If you want to succeed, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in life.

This includes the scope of your achievements, the results you produce, the quality of your relationships, your health status, your income, your debts, your feelings all! This means stop looking for excuses, make you the victim, stop blaming others and stop complaining. You’ll never have success while you continue blaming someone or something for your lack of success. If you want to be a winner will have to look at yourself in the mirror and accept the truth: you’re you who has acted, who has thought and taken decisions that have led you to where these. Thou who has eaten junk food. You accepted the job.

Thou who remains on the job. Thou who no said no. You are you’ll buy it. It is you who is not worried. You are you’ll buy it. You’re always get been you! You agree that you decide to stay like this, or takes the responsibility of change and leave complaining, begins to make your life exactly what you want it to be. If you don’t like the results you get will change your answers. Learn to change the complaints by requests and undertake actions that take you to the results you are looking for.

Aug 3 2013

Smeltzer Health

Education in health is a fan of practical knowledge and inside of the sector health, that historically has if busy in the promotion the health in acting in the Prophylaxis of illnesses. The current concept that is predominant in the theoretical reflections is of the education in health, therefore it involves a theoretical process all? practical, whose objective is to integrate the several to know as: scientific, popular and of the common sense, facilitating to the involved citizens an ample vision and it criticizes, for a greater participation with responsibility and autonomy front to the health in daily (GAZINELLY, KINGS and YOU MARK 2006) the Intervention of nursing Purification of by airmail the Many patients with tuberculosis obstructs the aerial ways with copiosas secretions, intervening with the gaseous exchange. The nursing can instruct the patient regarding the correct positioning to facilitate the draining of the aerial ways (SMELTZER and BARE 2004). Adhesion to the regimen of treatment the patient must be cliente of that the tuberculosis is a transmissible pathology and that to make use of medications constitutes half the most effective one to prevent the transmission, therefore the main reason of the treatment imperfections is that the patients do not take its medicines in regular and duration according to prescribed way. The nursing fits to guide the patient regarding the measures of hygiene, being included the verbal cares, to cover the mouth and the nose when cough and sneezes, adequate discarding of the paper handkerchiefs and hygiene of the hands (SMELTZER and BARE 2004). Promoting the activity and the adjusted nutrition It stops Smeltzer and Bare (2004) people with tuberculosis, normally are weak due to a chronic illness, with harmed nutricional state, being common the anorexy, loss of weight and the malnutrition. Modifying the will of if feeding for fatigue in reason of the extreme cough, production of escarro, torcica pain, generalized weak state or for the cost, if the person has few resources, being able to be necessary a nutricional plan that makes possible frequent small meals e.

Aug 3 2013

Relationships With Loved Ones

Probably rare to find a family in which there is no conflict family psychology often hear complaints about each other that the partner does not understand, can not hear. Collisions occur again and again in the same place although it seemed that this problem is solved. Why is this misunderstanding? According to many psychologists, family, the basis of most conflicts with loved ones – a rigid system of rules of life, attitudes, and stereotypes of people. A person in such a system does not understand that a loved one it may be different, that for him my values are not so obvious as to me. For example, a woman is important to realize themselves, to make career, and it is from morning to night working, and her husband, coming from work, dreaming enjoy a delicious dinner with his wife, but it turns out that it still is not home, not to mention dinner. Here is the basis for a permanent misunderstanding. More One important obstacle to harmonious relations with loved ones – is the need to control the individual family member and family life in general, and the actions of all its other members. This "controller" – the source of many problems in the family.

After all, the rest think they do not trust, and this produces a minimum of discontent or protest control. The job of family relationships is as follows: at first it is important to determine that disrupted the family system, where the very point, after which the interaction of family members is on the way to the conflict. Next issue voiced by family members and nchinaetsya second most difficult step of: psychologist "Trains" the family, how can they communicate differently, how to break the stereotype is no longer working and collaboration select one that suits all members. If we talk about training for relations with relatives, advantage of this form of work is the opportunity to touch many family stories in a short time, to see how their limitations and the limitations of their loved ones, and most importantly – try to build relationship differently. And the last. If you do not like your family relationships, do not expect a miracle, make the relationship different. It is in your power, most importantly – want to change them.