May 17 2012

Healthful Fats

The order nowadays is that let us prevent fats, but according to nutritionists, is not well thus. In the truth, certain fats exist that are of extreme importance for our health, as Omega 3 and Omega 6, they beyond being healthful and indispensable for a strong imunolgico system, still leave our healthful skin younger e. The foods in general way more than possess a type of fat of what of another one, as for example the nuts, that a perfect combination for our health has, them possess Omega 6, 3 Omega and monoinsaturada fat. Omega 3 is found in greasy fish, vegetal nuts, and oils. It also lowers the total cholesterol and the level of triglicrides. But although to be very good for the health, we do not have to abuse because in great amount it can harm the sanguineous coagulation. Omega 6 is found not alone in the nuts, but also in other seeds and also in vegetal oils.

It also reduces the LDL and the total cholesterol. The fats more healthful for our health they are the Monoinsaturadas, that we can find in the peanut, avocado and in oliva oil. This fat lowers the LDL and the total cholesterol. This is the one that we must ingest in bigger amount, but always without I exaggerate, is clearly. The saturated fats, are gifts in fat meats, coconut and in many laticnios.

It looks for to always observe the composition in the labels of the industrialized products, therefore these fats can obstruct its arteries. The worse one of all, is without a doubt some the trans-saturated ones, finding in potato fries, buttered up biscuits and margarinas. We must prevent them therefore they do not bring no benefit for our health and still they increase the risk of cardiac illnesses, increasing the cholesterol. We must observe always what we go to eat, therefore in accordance with our feeding is that we go to have as resulted a more healthful life. Searching to emagrecer? Maxburn can be the ideal solution for you.