Mar 25 2018

Significance Of Space Stories

The SIGNIFICAO OF the SPACE IN the STORY the CHURCH OF the DEVIL, OF ASSIS* AXE Fabiane Maria Dos Santos Hisses ** Nara Birth Benevides Conta an old manuscript benedictine that the Devil, in certain day had the idea to establish a church. Although its profits were continuous and great, it was felt humiliated with the doubtful paper that exerted since of centuries, without organization, rules, rules, without ritual, without nothing. It lived, so to speak, of the remaining the holy ghosts of the incautiousnesses and human obsquios. Fixed nothing swims to regulate. (Assis, p.139) INTRODUO Fomentar the study of an illustrious story of Brazilian Literature is challenging mission, and at the same time estimuladora, that, to the end, it is summarized in a pleasant meeting with the story in itself. *Artigo presented the Prof.

Adilma Nunes, Theoretical professor of disciplines Study of the Literary Text, of the course of Vernculas Letters of the University of the State of the Bahia-UNEB, campus XXI, Ipia-Ba Graduandas of the third semester of Verncula Letters, vespertine, of the University of the State Of the Bahia. In this history, Axe of Assis (1839-1908), at the time makes critical severe to the all existing churches in Brazil, therefore these if aproveitavamda faith of its faithful, to vender indulgences with ' ' salvation promise eterna' ' , for they acquired that it. In the story the Church of the Devil (1884) Joaquin Maria Axe of Assis, shows by means of the fiction the existing conflict enters the religions of the time criticizing severely the way as shepherds and priests ludibriavam its followers. With a dense narrative, ironic (arriving to be comic), and humorstica at some moments. We verify in this story an enormous interest in portraying, and to criticize the Brazilian social reality, lived for the man, under the religious perspective, which in certain way, is so easy of if corrupting how much the man, thus questioning the moral and ethical values dasrespectivas religions On the basis of the survey on the author and the subject for us chosen, we perceive that in good part of its stories and romances Axe of Assis, he specialized himself in studying the behavior human being (psychological), demonstrating the existing weaknesses in the daily one of the humanity.

Mar 21 2018

Deep Space Astronomy

There is water in the Cosmos? This intriguing question is the subject of long discussion in the scientific community. We now know that the water molecule is concentrated in the form of ice and steam, in some privileged places, primarily in certain cold cloud in our galaxy. But only the solar system contains significant concentrations of water and only Earth has a liquid. Because the earth has that privilege? Where does the water and how it has formed? In this article you rebuild its history since its formation in the cold environment of the star until his last adventure in the solar system planets. It is found – in the form of steam or ice – in the atmosphere of some stars, molecular clouds, in many icy satellites of the solar system, comets and planets of the solar system. But what is exceptional is the presence of liquid water: the Earth is the only place currently known where the water comes in this form. And where should the ground water so essential for life? And why remains, and so little further in liquid form? To understand the astronomers have reconstructed water adventure in the cosmos that starts around cool stars and certain leads, after the formation of the solar system, water and ice present in the planets.

Water can form naturally in various regions of the universe from its constituents, hydrogen and oxygen H 0 -. Hydrogen represents over 70% of the mass of the visible universe. With respect to oxygen, is about 1%.

Mar 16 2018


Planted bushes to sleep 3 to 4 inches of soil. Planted seedlings watered. As soon as the land seem the first shoots, half asleep furrow previously taken out of her land. After 10 days, to fill up more land. Care: weeding, fertilizing, careful tillage. During the summer grooves gradually completely asleep. Dry stems are cut and burned in the autumn. The same care and continue to the next year.

At first, the second year should be good weed beds. for high-growing foliage shrub Asparagus definitely need to put the frame to prevent plants fall. In autumn the foliage should be cut off faded near the soil, sprinkle a little com-position and the last time fluffing. Asparagus shoots at are different: thicker or thinner – depending on variety and growing conditions. The thicker – the delicious. But the major difference – between the white and green. Green grows the light. It pogrubee bleached, but it contains more vitamins and nutrients.

The French, for example, recognize only the white asparagus, and therefore hard spud her mound ridge higher and higher to escape as long as possible did not get out of the ground. The British, on the contrary, like the green shoots of asparagus and can get out into the open, green and store vitamins. And, finally, you waited until the third year after planting asparagus. Your efforts will be rewarded – you can take the first harvest. Early in the spring of the third year and in all subsequent years performed high hilling asparagus.

Mar 15 2018


SALAXIII EXHIBITION, June 2009 “We live discovering and forgetting This sweet habit of the night. You have to look good. It may be the last ” Jorge Luis Borges “On the huge slate of cerulean night, the dream has written mathematical diagrams. They are false, untrue pleasantly, all those constellations! Together in one figure stars total strangers. Among real points among single stars diamond solitaire, dream constelante trace imaginary lines.With a minimized pointillism, that great master of abstract painting that is the dream, he sees all the animals of the zodiac. ” Gaston Bachelard “And when, in the anonymous sky we look at a star, becomes our star shines for us, the fire is surrounded by a little crying, a carrier comes to life in us mitigate the sorrows of earth. It seems then that the star is approaching us.The reason we repeated in vain that is lost in the wilderness: a dream of intimacy of close to our hearts ” Gaston Bachelard “And if I put my trust somewhere, to give to the psyche of the sensitive observer and free from the conventions of understanding.

Mar 13 2018

National Hymn

But, it is not rare to remember to me my first infancy. That one of the pertaining to school bank (in Campinas), of the 8,9 or ten years. Of humble family, I made elementary school and gymnasium in public school (municipal and state) and for irony of the destination, or lacks of the chance of years 80, the college and the college had been particular, paid with sweat and sacrifice of parents, brothers, friends and obviously mine But, what I think exactly is in infancy, between 69 and 72. Refro liked it National Hymn: ' ' of the children of this ground you are gentile, native mother loved, Brazil! ' ' But sincerely it did not understand as a loving mother allowed to exist friends with clothes more pudas that mine; what had, even in the public schools, rich poor children in spirit, whom they insisted on humiliating other poor pupils, black or fat people? At last, to humiliate the ones that it did not seem mirror and, thanks to God, they were not, seno what it would be of the world? Beyond learning with my parents, it inhaled to me in personages of the TV, that attended in neighbors, as Gasparzinho, o' ' Fantasminha Camarada' ' , of the drawings or Zorro, layer and sword, the seriados ones, to make friendships with all and to defend the humble ones. Perhaps therefore, time or another one, even so my family was poor, the teacher asked if my mother would not obtain a pants of uniform in good condition some pupil to parade in the Seven of September My mother always obtained and everything was alone between God, us (I and my mother) and the teacher Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist of the assessorship of the press of the City hall of Sumar. edsonsilvajornalista@

Mar 1 2018

French Revolution

To redeem themselves with the population and to get new fidiciary offices the Igrejacatlica caught ' ' carona' ' with the European maritime expansion that contributed, with adescoberta of new lands, civilizations and to spread out information for omundo all, where the Church catholic started to transmit knowledge to the novascivilizaes (amerindian), the expansion also contributed with the generation of novosdocumentos that were created by the cronistas (Pero Vaz de Caminha), that they wrote letters, books and chronicles, counting all the events occurred during asexpedies on discovered lands. With the advent of the Iluminismo, osarquivos had started to be related sources of research with history, where osdocumentos kept they served as research instruments, to tentarexplicar decurrent facts of the time, giving origin to cunhoacadmico documents. ' ' Of all the publications dosculo XVIII, the one that more symbolized the Iluminismo was the thought oudicionrio encyclopedia of sciences, of the arts and of the crafts, for one sociedadede men and letters (…) its publication guaranteed to the great public access umamplo quantity of restricted information until then the circles of intelectuais' '. (SERIACOPI, 2005.p. 238) The encyclopedia if originougraas to the documents that were kept and conserved in the archives, that proporcionou population to have access to one literaturaque registered all the previous events its creation, where atravsdela the people started to formulate opinions, opening way for social diversosmovimentos, also the French Revolution, that were a movement degrande amplitude, marking the beginning of the world contemporary, maisimportante period for and conserving -, objectifying its clear and efficient deformed diffusion for all the population. everything this has beginning in 1789, eats explosion of the French Revolution that contributed sufficiently for the Arquivstica, poisdurante the movement, the peasants had been divided. Of a side, radicaisque wanted to destroy referring documents to the old regimen, with the objective de’ ‘ apagar’ ‘ While to another part, aconservadora, if they made some questions as: what it must be made with osdocumentos of the past? Because instead of destrui – los we do not organize them and we osconservamos in an archive to take the information to the future generations? Respostaa these and other questions was the creation of the first National Archive of mundoo Archive Nationale of Paris. .