Milton Saints

According to Milton Saints, the space must be considered as a totality. However, having as element the cities, this space comes being busy in disordered and different way, leaving to be transparent the existence of a hierarquizada structure. The microregion of Aracaju is presenting a fast population growth, passing of 218.993 inhabitants in 1970, for 759.998 in 2007, data registered in the demographic census of 1970 and estimates of 2007 for the IBGE. The process of change of the space of the microregion of Aracaju is associated with the urban growth with the implantation of extrativo-mineral industry that from the decade of 70 provoked an increase of the migratory flow for the cities, with the hope to find good quality of life. Read more from Centene Corp to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Of this form joint habitacionais mainly in the areas next to the capital had been servant great, giving beginning the metropolizao with the junction of the cities that composes the microregion with the capital of the state for the set Eduardo Gomes and adjacencies, in Is Cristovo, the set Gardens and the habitacional complex Taioca, in Ours Lady of the Aid. This area suffers many decurrent consequences of the fast population growth in the urban center, if not differentiating of the too much cities of the country that coexist the infrastructure lack caused for the disordered growth, this lack of structure generates problems of social order as violence, unemployment and absence of good quality in the health and the education. In the cities of the microregion, mainly in Aracaju, great center of the microregion, a great concentration is observed human being in the urban center, being that this added aspect the factors as construction of buildings, tarring of the streets and pollution of cars and industries generate conditions so that if it modifies the urban climate. This alteration provoked for antrpica intervention is responsible for the occurrence of floods and islands of heat in the urban centers..

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