Single Mother Taking Control

Single mothers we care much about the education of our children, we have doubts, fears, but above all we suffer from lack of confidence in ourselves and our ability to raise normal and happy children. When we think about the situation of our children and will affect how children of single mothers; many times we accept to be humiliated or mistreated by his father or by some couples, only for wanting to give you a father figure. We make too many sacrifices on behalf of our children but the result is the same. We empeoramos things. The first step we must take is take CONTROL.

Taking control of our lives will take better decisions and thus show our children the quality of mother who have. Stop worrying about the paternal figure. Many times the search of that paternal figure is actually search for a partner for you. Fret by the maternal figure you give to your son, that if it is your responsibility. We determine the character of our children.

If you are a mother who is left hurt, humiliate and without voice or vote then then you already know which is the future of your son. The education of our children depends on us. We can not leave it in the hands of some strange person that you know or you are interested in your well-being. How much will spend next to your son or daughter 20 or 25 years of his life and then forming their home and have that go on your side. Why you have to take advantage of his early years to be with the and accompany him at this stage of his life. Don’t be afraid to tell the truth. Although sometimes the answer can hurt it at that time, always will be best for the and for you. Especially if it makes you tough questions and you answer with wisdom and sincerity.

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