Tobias Fendt Kirchenweg

Calorie-counting is unnecessary, if one really eats no matter what they always say and no matter what diets guarantee the best weight loss and as the most beautiful physique can be reached in a short time. “The truth is that only by reducing the calories and an increase of metabolism by means of a long-term transition of food and thus the entire way of life promises lasting success”, writes the blog operator Tobias Fendt. The fitness expert knows that the intensity of the training is performed with the is important for muscle building. Because without straining the muscle can be not promoted. Calorie counting was yesterday, said Tobias Fendt.

“Because if you’re eating lots of fruits and vegetables and no so-called small sins” commits, which must care even less, how many calories in one or the other food are included. Who is honest, not to cheat and can watch through targeted measures motivated, as the muscles his Body shaping”, fendt explained. However a diet alone is not enough. On this aspect of Tobias Fendt alerts several times on his blog. By the sudden decrease ugly flaps of skin can be formed so decreasing should also exercise and strengthen your muscles. The explanation is simple: where muscles are made, will reduce fat from the body and in addition the consumption of calories increases, because muscles burn more calories. Protein shakes are recommended above all persons wanting to quickly build muscles.

Natural foods have priority, yet also shakes can be consumed, because especially at the beginning it can be quite motivating if does a quick success. What starts with a light strength training, needs to be intensified after for a real muscle, the muscle of duration to be. The muscle will only succeed if muscles are injured by physical efforts and regenerate itself once again with the help of proteins “and cure and through effort and so on”, writes Tobias Fendt. It is also on the proper diet. Because who eats poorly and eating greasy, which runs the risk, to reduce its inventory of high-quality proteins and to enrich themselves with ugly flab. This is very counterproductive, Tobias Fendt is white. The blog operator displays under ernahrung/calories pay banned why the calorie intake your muscle-determined, as it properly should feed itself, to lose weight and build muscle at the same time. Tobias Fendt is operator of the fitness blog and passes his entire experience from years of training and a targeted nutrition to the reader. On his blog, he gives beginners in the sport of fitness training tips and shows how to build muscles fast. About offers a comprehensive and detailed overview of successful muscle building, a targeted diet and on the subject of fitness generally. The Fitness expert Tobias Fendt gives insight into his experience from years training on the site. He shows detailed posts, what everything it needed for a rapid muscle growth and how to best reach them.

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