Urban Climate

Of the high ndicebrasileiro of urbanization problems of difficult administration elapse ecorreo without resources for essential investments are destined. Beyond a bigger vulnerability of the maisdesfavorecida population to the thermal discomfort, this parcel of the society generally induzida if to establish more in the degraded spaces of the city, where possvel that the climatic conditions specific they still more aggravate the baixosndices of quality of life. The importance of the thermal comfort not only becomes related sensao of comfort of the people, as well as to its performance in the work and sua health. The limits of the survival, depending on the exposition time daspessoas to the term-ambient conditions, define a band sufficiently wide detemperatura. Already the limits of the health are well narrower, being deconforto still more.

The comfort condition is gotten by means of the simultaneous effect conjugadoe of a joint complex of objective factors, as the elements doclima (temperature of air, relative humidity, movement of air and radiation) and the clothes, and others of subjective character as acclimatization, form and volume of the body, color, metabolism etc. The conjugated effect of these parameters, when it produces sensaestrmicas pleasant, is called zonade comfort and its study it is of utmost importance for the natural condicionamentotrmico of the constructions asedificaes and its set, the city the favorable way for desenvolvimentodo man. In such a way, the constructive expressions of strong regional character soas that they possess narrow relation with its entorno (OLGYAY, 1963). But, in the last centuries, in way each more intense time, acomunicao between the societies, the technological development and descobertasde new materials have contributed stop> that the act to construct if distanciedessa natural adaptation.

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