Dec 16 2023


Nowadays, breastfeeding in units neonates has gained new proportions. What, previouslywas lives restricted, today presents wide vision, due you the behavioral technological changes and in health institutions. Sentimental The importance of breastfeeding breasmilk is food benefits and. Breast milk is the food unique you children until the sixth month of life and, following this line of reasoning, the must also be present the feeding of infants hospitalized. Click Dr. John Mcdougall to learn more.

You encourage breastfeeding is neonatal units, various stimulates programs ploughs being discussed and available. Among can them we mention the method mom kangaroo and the encouragement of breast milking, when the breastfeeding is not initiated within the first hours to after delivery. Also in this segment of the neonatal units stimulates you recommend the suction, which can be done by nasogastric tubes, aimed at facilitating the breastfeeding future in the womb. Keywords: breast, UTI, neonatal, newborn. 1 Graduandos in Nursing in the College of Technology and 2 Sciences Orienting Professor of the College of Technology Sciences 1.INTRODUO In virtue of all the benefits that the maternal aleitamento brings, breast-feeding is the best option of feeding just been born, beyond consisting of one of the main factors of approach between mother and son.

Jan 27 2022


How much to the procedures, of the bibliographical type, in order to make possible the consultation and the analysis of data, finding answers pra the related study. The method is an instrument of the knowledge that it provides in the field of the research, in any area of its formation, to facilitate in planning, commanding, to formulate hypotheses, to co-ordinate and to interpret the results, the study will be of the descriptive type. In this perspective, the qualitative boarding was confirmed as a sufficiently propitious way for the development of this study for having easiness in identifying the significant aspetos, for practical of a humanizada assistance to the customer with gestacional hipertenso. still, for presenting essential elements, as: a descriptive and inductive inquiry, to present a holistic vision of the object to be studied. Of this form it works with the significant universe, ethical and moral values, that correspond to a deeper space of solutions of the processes and the phenomena that can be reduced the changeable operationalization Gil (1999, P. 44).

However, based in the premise of the knowledge on the experiences of life of the carrying customers of gestacional hipertenso, the qualitative boarding waves as main point in the process health-illness, in special to the area of the care of the health of the woman. According to Minayo (2003, P. 21-22), the qualitative boarding ' ' it supplies necessary orientation to the accomplishment of the social research, attainment, processing and veracity of the pertaining data to the problematic one that she is being investigated through data, sources bibliogrficas' ' , facilitating to identify the significant aspects for practical of a humanizada assistance. For Richardson (1999), the form of qualitative research is: To be worried about the level of the reality that cannot be quantified, that is, it works with the universe of meanings, partner-economic aspirations, belief, pointers, values activities that correspond to the space deepest of the 0 variable, look for to analyze a problem and to offer the research, survey of possible existing data, becoming the true and basic experience.

Jan 27 2022


The orientaes for the mothers represent the concerns of clarification for the mothers (FIGURE 1). Figure 1? Orientaes for the mothers For interviewed the position of handle is of basic importance in the hour of the orientation to the mothers, therefore using the correct technique the mother prevents accidents I choke as it, fiction and mastite. In relation to the success of the adhesion to the maternal aleitamento the nurse is necessary to interact. As consequence he will have success, also having a good communication, perseverance, devotion among others points that contribute for a good one resulting in the area of breast-feeding (FIGURE 2). Figure 2? Relations between nurses and mothers the infantile formula consumption is fact that generates problems of health in the babies.

The knowledge of the last decades evidences that maternal milk protects against infections and allergies, favors the growth and the development of the child. Glenn Dubin is the source for more interesting facts. Moreover, it diminishes the risk of obesidade and diabetes. For the interviewed ones it has some differences between children who are suckled and the ones that are not. For the great majority of interviewed the immunity it is better for the babies who are suckled with maternal milk. Therefore it grows with lesser risk of illnesses why it receives from the mother passive immunity (FIGURA2). Figure 2? Differences between suckled and not suckled babies. All the interviewed ones had said that they like to act in the area of breast-feeding and this is a way of motivation for the professionals who work with aleitamento.

The motivation with the work with maternal aleitamento is important (FIGURE 3). Figure 3? Motivations for the aleitamento the difficulties that the professionals face are many. In accordance with Caradina, Faleiros and Trezza (2006) the cult to the beauty is one of the reasons that take the mothers to abondonar and even though not to suckle for finding that the seios had been limp and with estrias.

Jan 21 2022

Vilma Alves

The contribution of this study constitutes in improving the given information the customers as source of research and consultations for the professionals and students of nursing to provide one better quality in the assistance for the carriers of hipertenso in the pregnancy. Analysis of Pontuar data the importance of the assistance of the nurse to the gestante in the prenatal one, of efficient form directed to get resulted positive and satisfactory, during these consultations. Consideraes final: it evidenced in this study that humanizao of the nurse in the attendance the gestante in the daily pay-natal. a primordial factor for the quality of the attendance the gestante hipertensa. Word keys: To take care of, Nursing, Prevention, gestacional hipertenso ABSTRAT CARDOSO, David; FRANC, Shirley Blacksmith of Purple Souza; CABRAL, Vilma Alves; the pregnant with hypertension: an approach in the humanization of the assistance of the nurse in the prenative one. Work attends a course coclusion. UNESA? RIO DE JANEIRO, 2009.

Page 54. Person who orientates: Professor Ms Nina Dawn Mello Savoldi. This study refers you the course conclusion work; and its theme is: The pregnant with hypertension: an approach in the humanization of the assistance of the nurse in the prenative one. This study is inserted in the line of research: The health-illness process ' ' and having predominant area, nursing health of the woman' '. In this context the problematization shows haw can the nurse humanizes the assistance in prenative you the hypertension pregnant. From there, we had the sight that the nurse has very important actuation, because this profession takes care of health programs in the prevention, orientation and education of this ill persons. Object of this study: Strategies of humanization in the assistance you the hypertension pregnant in the prenative one. Nurse-pregnant relation. Objective: you describe the assistance you the hypertension pregnant in prenative one. Methodology: it is descriptive research, with qualitative approach of bibliographic.

Dec 25 2021

The Patient

However, in the case of some tumors, the majority of the patients already presents metstatica illness at the moment of the diagnosis. In the evaluation of a surgery of great transport for patient determined one, it is important to evaluate the relation risk, benefits of the procedure I contest in it of the general health of the patient, the extension of the tumor and the probability of that the tumor can completely be removed, the type of necessary anesthesia and the experience of the team that also must take consideration. As advance in such a way in the x-ray how much in the chemotherapy, the necessity dede a radical surgery diminishes. However, the surgery continues to be a primary boarding of the biggest importance in the curativa therapy of the cancer (AUSIELLO, 2005). The breast cancer occurs in any point of the breast, however the majority is found in the external superior quadrant, where if it locates most of the fabric mammary. In general the injuries are painless, instead of painful; it fixes instead of you move; induradas with irregular edges, instead of encapsulated and smooth (SMELTZER; BARE, 2005). With regard to the surgical treatment for Smeltzer; Bare, (2005), discloses that the main goal of the surgical treatment is to eradicate the presence of the evasivo cancer of breast is the mastectomia, with or without reconstruction and the surgery of conservation of the agreed breast to the x-ray.

On the basis of the studies of Smeltzer; Bare, (2005), cares after – operatrios of the patient who if submits the surgery of the cancer of breast as well as any another surgery, the immediate focus is the recovery of the general anesthesia and treatment pain. Moreover, the patient who suffered the surgery from the breast can try the effect physical and psychological. The possible ones, complications accumulate include it of blood, hematoma besiege in it of incision, infection and accumulate delayed of serossanguinolento liquid, and seroma after the drain.

Aug 23 2021

Machado Hospital

In studies of Braga, Machado and Bosi (2008), the permanence of the mother in the neonatais units meant the possibility to favor the development and the profit of weight faster e, consequently, high hospital the precocious one. In studies of Nascimento and Issler (2004), describing on the importance of the method mother kangaroo, it was observed that 86.5% of just born that if they feed of maternal milk in a neonatal unit of Joinvile, 50.5% had been benefited by the method mother kangaroo. The reduced time of hospital permanence constitutes one of the positive aspects in the method mother kangaroo. This occurs, in accordance with comments of Andrade and Guedes (2005), therefore the physiological stability, the efficiency of the suction and, consequently, the feeding process, is more quickly accomplished by the proximity materna, favored for the contact skin the skin, becoming essential its use in the developing countries, therefore the lesser time of hospital permanence contributes for the reestablishment of the relation mother-baby, diminishes the risk of hospital infection, beyond causing lesser costs for the public health. In this way, studies carried through for Salim and Gonalves (1991), had demonstrated that 29% of just born interned in neonatal unit that had tried the contact skin the proportionate skin for the method mother kangaroo of a hospital in So Paulo, 23% enter had had high hospital precocious. However, in comments made for Serra and Scochi (2004), the suction of the maternal seio constitutes important factor for the maintenance of the lactation. However, the mothers of many just born interned in neonatais units do not have this possibility for diverse factors, as immaturity clinical condition of the son, estresse beyond it that they live deeply. Therefore, to stimulate the lactation through milks mammary is one of the orientaes given for professionals of neonatal obstetricses or UTI. As It hisses and It hisses (2008) also milks, it mammary can be made in children interned in neonatal UTI and the suck frequency of you milk must be similar to the number of of the baby, that is, approximately the eight ten times to the day, with intention to stimulate the prolactina release and to allow the milk production for more time in enough amount.

Aug 22 2021

Intensive Therapy

Describers: Humanizao, Units of Intensive Therapy, humanizada Assistance, Nursing. ABSTRACT Introduction? ' ' Humaniza' ' wasinstituted by The Health Ministry in 2003; it was created with the objective of placing in practice the principles of SUS, well you stimulate the solidary changes among managers, workers and users, committed with the defense of the life. United Health often addresses the matter in his writings. UTI is an area destined you attend patiences in critically ill and that need special cares. The nursing team should to relieve an attendance that surpasses the barriers of the physical care and you promote actions humanized that favors the patient' s recovery, these actions will generate an approach of the professional with the patient and consecutively of the professional with the family. Methodology – Revision of the literature, in which were lifted up 12 scientific articles published from 2001 you the 2010, the theme of this study is by to their analyses. Click Liberty Mutual to learn more.

Results – By the obtained dates, is necessary you address the nursering attendance and you transform it in the managerial practice dynamics and catalytic humanized actions gone back you the human being with specific needs having the family about you support points will be the patient' s recovery, on to other hand were found factors that to hinder the relationship among professional and patient. Conclusion – It is necessary that the teams of health start you invest in humanized actions with the objective of the health units should create lives human conditions of working will be the team that lives to together daily with the patients interned in UTI. Descriptors: Humanized, Units of Intensive Therapy, humanized Attendance, Nursering. Introduction In the last times, the humanizao in UTI has been a very boarded subject, in result of the concern of the professionals of the health in offering a quality assistance. Being thus, the central focus is to understand the individual necessities of each patient, fortified for the contact next with the familiar ones, which directly influence in the process of cure and whitewashing.

Jan 31 2019

Potter Surgery

Halbe (1993), guides for the health team that must you making the recognition and having the understanding of the psychological alterations of the patient with breast cancer and to allow the consideration most adequate of this patient, allowing the indication the support service so that it can return the psychic balance modified by the situation from the illness. Therefore the health professional that she deals with the carrying patient of breast cancer must is intent on that the adaptation to the cancer depends on innumerable factors. Segunso Halbe (1993), these are the factors as: who is the patient while person; its attitude front the life; as they react front the antecedent life educational; age; social status; psychological 0 variable; capacity to express frustrations, losses and difficulty; as to face crisis moment; that resources possess the level of familiar support; internal maturity and the integration degree; that belief has in general on the cancer or illnesses others. These data can be significant and facilitadores for the understanding for the treatment of the patient with breast cancer. More than what never the health team must act with many pacincias, understanding, respect, sensitivity, common-sense, tolerances and attention, searching to understand the suffering of the patient, placing if in its place.

Potter; perry (2004), describes in its literature that the surgery is psychologically estressante. The customer can be anxious regarding the surgery and its implications (…) to understand the impact of the surgery on the emotional health of the customer. The nurse must evaluate the feeling of the customer in relation to the surgery, auto – concept adaptation refusal, asking if the members of the family or friend can supply support.

Jan 8 2018

Pain Treatment

With this surgery the food passes, only, for a small part of the stomach (even so no part of stomach is removed of the body) where is restrained for a time, a time that to this level is placed a ring to diminish the ticket. This hinders that the food pass with easiness, provoking saciedade sensation, what it makes the person to feel itself satisfied and without hunger after to have eaten well little. After that the food passes to the thin intestine, but por1,20 metrono obtains to enter in the body because not yet it suffered the action from the pancretico juice (digestion). Aps1,20 metroo food goes to enter in contact with the pancretico juice and from it goes there normally to be absorbed by the organism). In view of that in many cases the diverse diets, indicated medications, physical exercises in the therapeutical one of mrbida obesidade if show inefficacious (this occurs in 89% of the patients with mrbida obesidade), was determined that the only really efficient treatment in the loss of weight is the baritrica surgery. The treatment operatrio is indicated when the patient presents IMC (Index of 35 corporal mass) equal or superior the 40 kg/m or kg/m when she has some associated illness, and for that they had presented resistance to the treatment with diets, frmacos, among others. However, other important criteria must be taken in account, the patient must not have no type of severe illness that contraindicates the baritrica surgery and must also be set free in the psychological examination.

After operatrio Pain in the postoperative one after the laparotomia limits the patient in the movements and its ability to breathe deeply. However, these patients must be encouraged to start the precocious deambulation in the postoperative period. Baritricos patients react of different form to medications of what people with normal weight.

Oct 23 2017


A friend when seeing a person badly dressed transiting for the street always said that the person did not have friends, therefore had they would not leave it to leave that form. To be dressed is a daily challenge for men well and women and for this were created some styles to illustrate the figurinos. As we are speaking of day the day follows some tips to be dressed using to advantage the parts of its guard well daily clothes. To start we go to say of the jeans, depending on the combination the same part can transmit a style deloused or elegant. He sees well if you to place a Scarpin and a jeans and one camisete, will be ready to go to the office or a more formal lunch. On the other hand if you to place one baby look and a tennis will make a style say accidental, to be that its babylook either of one of these florescentes colors and its tennis follows the same trend, you you will not make that style deloused the confection of its model you make all the difference a black skirt and one blusinha of light satin handle for example (nothing very shining) and to blaser of same color of the skirt, with certainty will go to transmit an image formal, already if you to take off blaser with certainty will go to transmit a more accidental image without being vulgar. If you are above of the weight you do not use nothing very just that it is not well and very wide fattening, you ponder, the half term you are the best exit. For those with little seio, well-taken care of he cuts off with it can devaluate the bust and for those with very seio he forgets the belt above the waist will call much attention. It gives much attention in the stock market that will go to use to compose the appearance, a wrong choice and babau, finishes with the figurino.