May 20 2024


Probably will not be a big mistake if to suggest that virtually all people live, learn, work and do something with the hope of success in their work. Hope for success is largely defines the meaning and the degree of application of force to what has to deal with. Dr. Neal Barnard may help you with your research. What influences success in human affairs? Can success be predicted and it is possible to improve their ability to achieve success? I suggest you together reflect on the answers to these important questions and try to start to define success. Glenn Dubin: the source for more info. Perhaps the most simple and clear sound can be approximately as follows: success – is the logical conclusion of the case started with a positive results. In light of this definition, in my opinion, there are three main points, so to speak, the three pillars that lie at the base of any success.

First, it is essential to success is understanding person as to why he takes up a certain thing, and the outcome that he wanted to achieve with this. These two factors determine motivation, that is, the main problems could cause the person taking appropriate course of action. Motifs with the definition in time and the end result would be more correct to call targets. Any successful work is always focused and that the extent to which implemented are in accordance with wishes and the ultimate goal, there is one, in my opinion, quite acceptable definition of success. If we still do not find any contradictions in our chain reasoning, then, in consideration of a single activity or a specific purpose, everything seems to be becoming clear, and does not cause much difficulty in understanding – if a person has reached his goal, it is – a success.

Dec 24 2021

ISRS Treatment

In accordance with DSM IV, many Bulimicos individuals present periods of Anorexy, being able to transit of a state for another one. The people with AN present an intense fear to get fat, that she persists as intrusiva an idea and sobrevalorada, associated to a preference for the extreme magreza. They present a riot of the corporal image that makes with that they perceive as fatter of what really they are. The treatment is made with a farmacoterpica boarding. The selective inhibitors of recaptao of the serotonina (ISRS) have been the studied antidepressants more in the treatment of an. The antipsychotics must eventually be used in those more difficult and refractory patients.

The Mannering treatment can be fact, with description that the person has of its copor and the real description for the therapist, showing it how much its vision is distorted of the reality. The subjective corporal image is therefore when its perception does not correspond to its true appearance. The individuals Upheaval of the Periodic Alimentary Compulsion, eat compulsory do not make regular vomit use or abuse of exercises, laxative or diurticos. The similarity of the individuals with BN is that both hide this compulsoem public. Queapesar of the insatisfao with the body does not present riot of its corporal image. The antidepressants must be prescribed when associate has a clear evidence of an affective upheaval, the antidepressants can be prescribed for patients who remain gotten depressed, although the improvement of the symptoms of the alimentary behavior, and for patients who do not answer or answer partially to the psicoteraputica intervention. The indicated drugs more are the ISRS, between them the fluoxetina and the fluvoxamina, that more they had been studied. The mannering psicoterpico treatment can concomitantly be made together with the farmacolgico treatment. It is important to leave clearly that it has genuine interest in helping it, that is not gone to deceive it and that the symptoms can be manejados (Fairburn and Cooper, 1991).

Oct 15 2021

The Way

And it says my daughter – a super good reason – that would be something to do, but at the same time, with any other thing is quite normal. That's a combination of the right but not very interesting cases in the first place was to increase their motivation, sorry if no zaum just want to do is not very pleasant things. By the way while it was engaged anger has passed, at the same time and worked until walking shoes selected, worked once again moving meditation, a very interesting thing I say. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as David Cordani by clicking through. Record of 4 September 12 issue of liability for a person choose their actions in out of difficult situations whether it is recovering from chronic illness, or dealing with family or business problems, perhaps the most complex and difficult to answer. nowledge. Indeed who is responsible for that people were laid off or became ill after being poisoned with chronic gastritis poorly cooked food in the cafeteria? On the one hand, man can not in any way affect the work of cooks and development economic situation in the factory or in the country, on the other hand, actually is a man chose for himself was this restaurant and it was this work. Regarding disease situation is more complicated, since the existing traditional way of life, most of them harmful to health. Existing at present values in a society the cult of money, the cult of pleasure that comes from the basic principle of modern society, human- who at the time of death has amassed more toys (money, cars, office, women, business, home) – this is what causes the people in pursuit of achieving success in life begins to work to the detriment of their health, for self-realization, for his family. .

Oct 6 2021


Letter, email, school, etc. Frequently David Cordani has said that publicly. when they arrive as an avalanche, surpass our capacity of efficient setting. This memorization difficulty has to see estresse with it that in short term, until aid our brain to act more readily to the stimulatons, already in long stated period, the consuming surpasses the efficiency. Research shows that in about 30 minutes, the hormones estresse of it (adrenalin and cortisone) disactivate the molecules that carry glucose to hipocampo, leaving it with little energy. After long periods, the hormones estresse of it compromise the linkings between neurons and make hipocampo to reduce to the maximum its action. ALTERATION OF the Hipermnsia MEMORY the Hipermnsia occurs when causal souvenirs are evoked with more exactness that normally, or when it remembers particularitities that do not occur in the conscience. The Hipermnsia can be observed in the fever case toxi-infectious, in these cases can appear old souvenirs. With hipntica stimulation, they appear memory of very complicated particularitities, that are revividas.

In the Hipermnsia increase does not exist of memory, but a bigger easiness of souvenir of the mnmicos elements, or still, affective load experiences strong. The Hipermnsia is a curious phenomenon, being able to occur in it, souvenirs that happen in states that precede the death or when the person is in a threatening situation. In psychiatric literature it has references of cases that the person remembers, in few instants, of all the events of its life with clarity. Hipomnsia and Amnsia the Hipomnsia and the Amnesia are the reduction number of it of souvenirs. The Amnesia is the complete disappearence of the corresponding mnmicas representations to an individual. In the Hipomnsia the disappearance of the memory does not need to be complete, having you vary graduations between the nothing and the incomplete souvenir. Four varieties of Amnesia exist: First – when no event reaches the conscience will not be possible some production.

Second – the understanding is verified to be possible during some time, to put Amnesias extremely accented, of psicognica origin. In these cases, the solution is obtained by means of hypnosis. Partial Amnesias exist, happen the disappearance of some souvenirs, not of all, caused cerebral trauma or poisoning after. When the individual if limits the certain events, but it continues remembering other facts of the same time. This call of Catatmica Amnesia. In the depressive states, the psychic functions are disturbed. The symptoms that if detach are, vital sadness, distress and the inhibition of the psicomotilidade. To the side of these symptoms. The patients if complain of psychic impotence hinders that them to carry through its tasks, reduction of the capacity of> concentration and weakness of the will. In the majority of the cases, the sick people disclose reduction of global the voluntary activity, beyond the mnmica activity.

Sep 12 2018

Psychological Defense

Often, we are exposed to psychological pressure from the outside. In this article, I discussed the main principle of manipulators – complete ignorance. However, if we suspect that we are manipulated – we can get rid of exposure. And if we know the basic mechanisms of psychological defense is forearmed! Psychologists are 6 main types of psychological defense. Of course, there are others, but it is – the basics.

Knowing them, you'll be able to guided and protected. So, let's begin. 1. Nursing essence of this method is simple – simply care. Ie If you feel that you exert psychological pressure, you simply move away from this man, this premise does not think about what is happening and that you find this person says.

In the future we try to avoid contact with the suspects in manipulating people. However, despite the fact that this method is quite widespread, and many use it, not knowing the other, it is not very good and efficient. Our care is often clumsy, which may enable the manipulator stage for even greater pressure. Therefore, we will consider other methods. 2. Sending The simplest example of this method: You just're sending people to the most remote corners of the anus or genitals. It is used very often. Sometimes it is better the first way, sometimes negatively affected. A very controversial way to use who stands with great caution. 3. Neutralization of this method is much better the first two. And occurs in everyday life, it is much rarer. Its essence is to transfer attention to the situation in a different direction.

Nov 2 2017

Health OMS

The baby is born spontaneously, in ceflica position of vertex, between 37 and 42 weeks complete of gestation. After the birth, mother and son in good conditions (OMS, 1996, P. 09). It is not something Dr. John Mcdougall would like to discuss. The Guide indicates the possibility of the woman to choose any position during the childbirth work, as form to be more comfortable. He still stimulates, the use of techniques that alliviate pains during the childbirth work and that they are not harmful to the health of the woman and the child. ' ' Some not invasive and not farmacolgicos methods for the relief of pain exist that can be used during the work of parto' ' (OMS, 1996, P.

28). Based in what it praises the World-wide Organization of Health OMS (1996), in the orientaes for the normal childbirth, can be understood to know that them and practical of the traditional obstetricians they fulfill throughout history the recommendations of humanizao of the childbirth in its form to give assistance to the woman in labor and the just-been born one, permeada of cares and affectivity. One presents in this study authors who throughout its histories if had detached, considering a model of attention to the childbirth and offering well-taken care of humanizados the birth. Among others: Jose Galba de Arajo, doctor gynecologist and obstetra, Brazilian, who gained prominence for using resources of the culture in the attendance to the women in labor, valuing the work of the traditional obstetricians in the assistance to the childbirth and to stimulate training for better assistance to the domiciliary childbirth. In accordance with Saints (2004, P.

07) the doctor affirmed that it was necessary to offer a humanizada attention to the gestantes. According to author, believing the natural and domiciliary childbirth, Dr. Galba affirmed that it was necessary respect to the culture and to customs, joining to know doctor and to know popular. Another name to be detached is of Leboyer (1974), obstetra French that it speaks of the importance to provide an environment, acolhedor to the birth.

Mar 8 2017


Life – is a constant source of change, which means big and little stress. It's no secret that stress has a devastating effect on our body. And because stress is almost impossible to avoid, let's learn how to shoot them. Methods of Stress out cposobstvuet fullest physical and mental recovery. Three exercises for stress relief is enough to calm down emotionally, getting rid of obsessive thoughts or chaotic, unnecessary control and balance the activity of the cerebral hemispheres. 1.

Millimeter by millimeter Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, soft body relaxed, eyes closed. Now, very slowly, so far as it may raise your right hand up. Millimeter by millimeter. Then do the same with your left hand. In the end the same way raise both hands over hand up. Ultimately you should feel that you have your hands as if suspended. 2.

Balancing Breathing Exercise will take a few minutes. Nestle comfortably, listen to your breath and start with breath to utter the word 'breath', so that words beginning coincided with the beginning inhale, inhale and end – with the last letter. After a few breaths you will feel immersed in the quietness and calm down. 3. Pull yourself together This method has developed a psychiatrist Hasai Aliyev. The method consists of three stages. Preparatory. First, make the setting (with eyes closed): calm movements of the head, shoulders, hips, knees – very slowly, with minimum effort and maximum pleasure. Now hug yourself two hands, bow your head slightly to one side. Swing back and forth. Primary. Raise your arms forward. And, do not specifically doing, tell them to hand to disperse. Imagine the space that expands and pushes his hands in different hand and the wrist, as the strings, someone pulls. Throw your hands and try again. (This method psychoregulation long been used in the work doctors, psychologists, athletes, artists and other creative people). Relaxation-stabilizing. In the last step is important to just sit and sit for ten minutes in silence with eyes closed. At this point, you can finally feel the effect of 'empty head' – when there are no thoughts and constant dialogue. It was at this time, perhaps you will come to a solution to a complex problem, an interesting idea. But you never know what can happen in an unexpected state of freedom? Healthy lifestyle

Nov 10 2014

The Supreme

This is psychology. Not generalizing, but many lunatic asylums would be a form to limit the expression of I – individual of each one, therefore any shunting line in relation to a normal behavior had to be observed and to be followed of immediate punishment. Madness is old, always existed, but it is also much more young of what if it can imagine. It is treated madness on some etnolgicos points: biological, supernatural and as a social shunting line the proper search of itself. I will not speak very on the sacred aspect where if they portray madnesses. Yes, I read and I do not ignore what it is written in this part, however has things more important in me point of view to be portraied. is always good for remembering: Diversity is not necessarily illness. It has a prominence that she is necessary to be instigated on this such abstract rationality where one ' ' louco' ' it makes it and that few understand for this fact, fact where many do not know nor what are this and they do not look for to arrive inside of itself same and to use of this abstract and individual thought.

Thus, madness and the insane person threaten the world. In century XVI madness it finished being confiscated for a dominadora reason that if called ' ' conscience crtica' '. then in elapsing of century XVII, in the Europe, internment houses are created where madness is restrained. unhappyly from this such rationalism the wisdom and madness if separates. Through the text, I could observe that since always all the obstacles that the society in mass finds outside of order, they try to get the exclusion, and this done age and is until today through lunatic asylums. in this century madness arrived to be considered an ethical error. Of – giving credit itself? each time that the world went if becoming complex more, more cases of madness appeared we can say that the medicine, yes, the one that pra would serve curing in them, if become abetter of the moral total. madness turns the object medical studies (psychiatrist): therefore it gains the value of illness.

ironically speaking, fits to the doctor to appeal to the half ones as alimentary threats, punishments, privations, humilhaes and everything this so that the supreme power can infantilizar to culpabilizar the insane person. Therefore, if the doctor was capable to circumscribe madness, he is not he knows because it, and yes he dominates because it. Something that I considered very important was the following stretch: ' ' he is the not-insane person who knows louco' '. Then, why? The not-insane person follows norms and behaviors and obtains to observe individuals that leave this axle outside. Madness will be always present threat in a society that has horror to the different one, that it restrains the diversity of the Real to the uniformity of the scientific rational order. ' ' that one day our interioridade comes to be resgatada' '.

Jan 21 2014

Interpersonal Development At Work

This work consists of a period of training, carried through in a private Institution, tied with the SUS Only System of Health, with about fifteen years of existence, located in the central area of a city of the paranaense West, that offers to treatment the carrying patients of Cancer of the city and region. The work was carried through with the team of caretakers; the complaint raised in interview with the Coordinator of the Institution would be that: the caretakers were with problems of relationship between them, quarrels to execute the tasks, the coordinator had the impression that she could be familiar problems brought for the work environment. THEORETICAL RECITAL Currently most important it is not to get a lasting job, but to become employable, remaining itself competitive in a market of mutations. The empregabilidade ‘ ‘ it is the set of abilities and abilities necessary a person to keep its rank inside or it are of the company. (…) the professional has that to be intent to the changes and if to adapt elas’ ‘ Chiavenato (1997, p.85). ‘ ‘ The interpersonal ability is the ability of will deal efficiently with the interpersonal relations, of it will deal with other people of adequate form to the necessities of each one and the requirements of situao’ ‘ Moscovici (1985, p.27). To perceive of acurada form a situation and its 0 variable allows that the citizen plays its work better, to as much in the dimension technique required for the nature of this activity how much in the one of being capable of if locating of form adept in the net of interpersonal relations, external intern and, it workstation. It is necessary to open an internal public space of quarrel, that goes beyond the knowledge technician and of the division of work, ‘ ‘ where the worker can argue the rules of consensus to work in set and the elaboration of the relations reliable between trabalhadores’ ‘ Dejours (1994, p.136).

Nov 13 2013

Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist – What Is The Difference ?

In developed countries, seek help from a psychologist as naturally as to visit a doctor in case of colds. For our citizens, professionals such as psychologist, but even more so – a psychotherapist, continue to cause suspicion (Another thing wizards, which are ready to address their problems 60% of Russians!). Often the mistrust is compounded by the fact that many people still do not clearly understand the difference between a psychologist, therapist and psychiatrist and understand, in which case you should contact these professionals. First of all, it is important to know that the psychiatrist, therapist and psychologist – the specialists similar activities, but have very different skills, dealing with completely different circumstances and using a similar or different from each other methods. Psychiatrist – a doctor, a specialist in clinical medicine, whose work is to identify violations in the mental functions, determining how mental or physical illness is caused by, respectively, and the appointment of effective treatment. The psychiatrist should be able to discriminate in psychology and physiology to establish the relationship between place in the body and mind processes, and possess extensive knowledge in the field of medicine and pharmacology. A psychiatrist treats 'severe' mental illness (as called big psychiatry), when a person is in psychosis and completely or almost completely loses touch with reality.

Treatment in a hospital performs and observes the patient after discharge from psychiatric (Neuropsychiatric) hospital. The psychiatrist can treat and 'lighter' mental illness (the so-called minor psychiatry). Psychotherapist – a doctor (a specialist in higher medical education), which is usually cures 'lighter' mental illness: neurosis, and various personality disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, panic attacks, etc. The therapist strengthens the 'inner self', helping patients learn to better listen to yourself and understand yourself, to live in harmony with their feelings and experiences more effectively with others as a therapist can treat the special psychotherapeutic methods (Cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, family therapy, Gestalt therapy, etc.) and medications (pills, etc.). Psychologist – this is primarily a humanitarian profession. Practicing Psychologist – a specialist with appropriate education and skill levels, providing psychological support (psychological services) to the public. Psychologist reveals certain personality characteristics and their degree of expression with psychodiagnostic methods (tests, questionnaires, etc.). He advises, helping people learn to better listen to yourself and understand yourself, to live in harmony with their feelings and experiences more interact effectively with others. At the same health issues are not within the purview of the psychologist. In the counseling psychologist can use the special psychotherapeutic methods (Cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, family therapy, Gestalt therapy, etc.).