Intensive Therapy

Describers: Humanizao, Units of Intensive Therapy, humanizada Assistance, Nursing. ABSTRACT Introduction? ' ' Humaniza' ' wasinstituted by The Health Ministry in 2003; it was created with the objective of placing in practice the principles of SUS, well you stimulate the solidary changes among managers, workers and users, committed with the defense of the life. United Health often addresses the matter in his writings. UTI is an area destined you attend patiences in critically ill and that need special cares. The nursing team should to relieve an attendance that surpasses the barriers of the physical care and you promote actions humanized that favors the patient' s recovery, these actions will generate an approach of the professional with the patient and consecutively of the professional with the family. Methodology – Revision of the literature, in which were lifted up 12 scientific articles published from 2001 you the 2010, the theme of this study is by to their analyses. Click Liberty Mutual to learn more.

Results – By the obtained dates, is necessary you address the nursering attendance and you transform it in the managerial practice dynamics and catalytic humanized actions gone back you the human being with specific needs having the family about you support points will be the patient' s recovery, on to other hand were found factors that to hinder the relationship among professional and patient. Conclusion – It is necessary that the teams of health start you invest in humanized actions with the objective of the health units should create lives human conditions of working will be the team that lives to together daily with the patients interned in UTI. Descriptors: Humanized, Units of Intensive Therapy, humanized Attendance, Nursering. Introduction In the last times, the humanizao in UTI has been a very boarded subject, in result of the concern of the professionals of the health in offering a quality assistance. Being thus, the central focus is to understand the individual necessities of each patient, fortified for the contact next with the familiar ones, which directly influence in the process of cure and whitewashing.

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