Machado Hospital

In studies of Braga, Machado and Bosi (2008), the permanence of the mother in the neonatais units meant the possibility to favor the development and the profit of weight faster e, consequently, high hospital the precocious one. In studies of Nascimento and Issler (2004), describing on the importance of the method mother kangaroo, it was observed that 86.5% of just born that if they feed of maternal milk in a neonatal unit of Joinvile, 50.5% had been benefited by the method mother kangaroo. The reduced time of hospital permanence constitutes one of the positive aspects in the method mother kangaroo. This occurs, in accordance with comments of Andrade and Guedes (2005), therefore the physiological stability, the efficiency of the suction and, consequently, the feeding process, is more quickly accomplished by the proximity materna, favored for the contact skin the skin, becoming essential its use in the developing countries, therefore the lesser time of hospital permanence contributes for the reestablishment of the relation mother-baby, diminishes the risk of hospital infection, beyond causing lesser costs for the public health. In this way, studies carried through for Salim and Gonalves (1991), had demonstrated that 29% of just born interned in neonatal unit that had tried the contact skin the proportionate skin for the method mother kangaroo of a hospital in So Paulo, 23% enter had had high hospital precocious. However, in comments made for Serra and Scochi (2004), the suction of the maternal seio constitutes important factor for the maintenance of the lactation. However, the mothers of many just born interned in neonatais units do not have this possibility for diverse factors, as immaturity clinical condition of the son, estresse beyond it that they live deeply. Therefore, to stimulate the lactation through milks mammary is one of the orientaes given for professionals of neonatal obstetricses or UTI. As It hisses and It hisses (2008) also milks, it mammary can be made in children interned in neonatal UTI and the suck frequency of you milk must be similar to the number of of the baby, that is, approximately the eight ten times to the day, with intention to stimulate the prolactina release and to allow the milk production for more time in enough amount.

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