Pain Treatment

With this surgery the food passes, only, for a small part of the stomach (even so no part of stomach is removed of the body) where is restrained for a time, a time that to this level is placed a ring to diminish the ticket. This hinders that the food pass with easiness, provoking saciedade sensation, what it makes the person to feel itself satisfied and without hunger after to have eaten well little. After that the food passes to the thin intestine, but por1,20 metrono obtains to enter in the body because not yet it suffered the action from the pancretico juice (digestion). Aps1,20 metroo food goes to enter in contact with the pancretico juice and from it goes there normally to be absorbed by the organism). In view of that in many cases the diverse diets, indicated medications, physical exercises in the therapeutical one of mrbida obesidade if show inefficacious (this occurs in 89% of the patients with mrbida obesidade), was determined that the only really efficient treatment in the loss of weight is the baritrica surgery. The treatment operatrio is indicated when the patient presents IMC (Index of 35 corporal mass) equal or superior the 40 kg/m or kg/m when she has some associated illness, and for that they had presented resistance to the treatment with diets, frmacos, among others. However, other important criteria must be taken in account, the patient must not have no type of severe illness that contraindicates the baritrica surgery and must also be set free in the psychological examination.

After operatrio Pain in the postoperative one after the laparotomia limits the patient in the movements and its ability to breathe deeply. However, these patients must be encouraged to start the precocious deambulation in the postoperative period. Baritricos patients react of different form to medications of what people with normal weight.

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