
How much to the procedures, of the bibliographical type, in order to make possible the consultation and the analysis of data, finding answers pra the related study. The method is an instrument of the knowledge that it provides in the field of the research, in any area of its formation, to facilitate in planning, commanding, to formulate hypotheses, to co-ordinate and to interpret the results, the study will be of the descriptive type. In this perspective, the qualitative boarding was confirmed as a sufficiently propitious way for the development of this study for having easiness in identifying the significant aspetos, for practical of a humanizada assistance to the customer with gestacional hipertenso. still, for presenting essential elements, as: a descriptive and inductive inquiry, to present a holistic vision of the object to be studied. Of this form it works with the significant universe, ethical and moral values, that correspond to a deeper space of solutions of the processes and the phenomena that can be reduced the changeable operationalization Gil (1999, P. 44).

However, based in the premise of the knowledge on the experiences of life of the carrying customers of gestacional hipertenso, the qualitative boarding waves as main point in the process health-illness, in special to the area of the care of the health of the woman. According to Minayo (2003, P. 21-22), the qualitative boarding ' ' it supplies necessary orientation to the accomplishment of the social research, attainment, processing and veracity of the pertaining data to the problematic one that she is being investigated through data, sources bibliogrficas' ' , facilitating to identify the significant aspects for practical of a humanizada assistance. For Richardson (1999), the form of qualitative research is: To be worried about the level of the reality that cannot be quantified, that is, it works with the universe of meanings, partner-economic aspirations, belief, pointers, values activities that correspond to the space deepest of the 0 variable, look for to analyze a problem and to offer the research, survey of possible existing data, becoming the true and basic experience.

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