Jan 5 2022

Natural Minerals

Fall height); Water absorption (Water absorption); Abrasion (Frictional wear test); Density (Bulk density). Color of the stone, or rather op definition of visual sensation caused by the impact on the eye fluxes of electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, it is an important physical property. Perhaps check out Jack Salzwedel for more information. In general, the color of the rock due to the predominant color giving in its composition of minerals and impurities. He determined by the so-called "average color" when the colors of various rock-forming minerals are merged into one common tone. Fructis oftentimes addresses this issue. The color of minerals depends on their chemical composition. Thus, the white marble consists mainly of colorless dolomite and calcite that . Gray tones are determined by the presence of carbonaceous or other organic particles, and pink – salts of manganese or iron oxide, green – chlorite and serpentinite particles, and sometimes copper oxides.

Color igneous rocks deter mined colored minerals: quartz, feldspar and dark color components. Color is a very important sign, turn out equation describing crucial in assessing the decorative stones. Structure Natural stone is characterized by the shape and proportions generated doobrazuyuschih minerals, particularly styami its structure and size. Structures are crystalline (granular and crystalline), porphyry, detrital, Stack Lovato oolitic, etc. Marble (Latin marmor, from Greek.

Marmaros – shiny stone, boulder), crystalline rock formed by the recrystallization of limestone or dolomite. In construction practice "Marble" is called metamorphic rocks of medium hardness, polishing makers, these include: marble, limestone marmorized, dense dolomite, carbonate breccias and calcareous conglomerates. Marble almost always contain impurities other minerals and organic compounds. The composition of impurities can lower or raise the decorative marble and affect its color. Image is determined not only the structure of marble, but also direction in which you are sawing stone. Color and pattern of marble occur only after polishing. Marble from the ancient times used as a structural and architectural cladding material due to its plastic and decorative merits (hardness, fine grain, which makes the marble in the treatment of pliable, able to make polished, through which identifies the tonal richness of marble and the beauty of his homogeneous, speckled, or layered structures). Marble is also used to create the mosaic compositions, relief and round sculptures (mostly monochrome marble, mostly white, at least – a color or black).

Mar 22 2014

Wooden Houses

In order to install windows and doors in the wooden house ispozuetsya okosyachka and obsada. The principal value okosyachki (obsady) – to strengthen the wall, weakened by cutting through window openings and door frames to protect from the effects of shrinkage processes. Klassichesskaya okosyachka in wooden houses are made of solid pine wood. This technology has been tested time and confirms that the main advantage okosyachki – simplicity and reliability. This creates a unique combination of beauty, quality, durability and longevity! Okosyachka – a wooden box, mounted in a window or doorway. Okosyachka prevents horizontal displacement of the logs from the vertical axis in the doorway and not prevents vertical shrinkage log, relieves stress and prevents deformation of the frame and doors. Okosyachka window openings protects the frame and the glass directly from crushing due to shrinkage of the logs. Making the obsadu you can be sure that the box will function as expected, but the frame will remain intact.

In addition, okosyachka relieve you of the possible appearance of different kinds of cracks and gaps between the frame and logs. Obsada even need in the case when the frame stood for more than two years and has already shrinking. The fact that obsada not only guarantees the safety of the original shape of the opening, it also makes the walls much more stable. Plus, it can become obsada decoration element appearance of the structure. Today there is a possibility to choose the most appropriate exterior color, so together with the quality you will get a style.