May 29 2022

Away With The Winter Fat!

After the long winter, the bitter struggle of the pounds on the way to the beach body starts with many. A high quality food with friendly preparation is important now. Spring is we not all here”- have been waiting on him? The winter coat is mothballed, the gloves are forgotten, the snow slide is tucked in the back corner and can safely be ignored for the next winter. But what of a friend, the other suffering. Because just the aspect of the summer wardrobe a little panic in the face, just at the thought of airy clothing, if you listened to those involving pure Huftgold on the body has conjured up the winter, hearty food and winter lethargy. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Michael Miccoli. What horror, if your favorite pants from the previous year is no longer suggests, or the airy summer blouse reveals too much look at those extra pounds nights on. So, it’s time to declare war on the winter fat. There will be cycled and jogged, gyms are stormed and several diet books passed to the fastest Successes to achieve.

The be-all and end-all on the way to summer-grade character is to make sure… in addition to sufficient movement in special measure on a healthy, balanced diet. Low fat, vitamin-rich diet and the careful preparation of the dishes are Beach figure of enormous importance not only in regard to the project”, attention should be paid. Because a healthy diet affects not only positively on the figure, but on the overall well-being and health and should be a high priority for the whole family. While healthy eating starts with the selection and purchasing of food. Fresh ingredients, fat – free and low-calorie products and vitamin-rich, unprocessed foods will contribute, even the cooking method itself is an important point that disregarded will must not.

What good eventually the healthiest food if you drown them for example in fat? Gently to cook and this to get as many vitamins of foods, are the modern household Today useful devices available. There are in addition to pots with special cooking inserts, or nonstick pans, enabling low-fat, or even fettloses roast, special steam ovens cooking, where the food with the help of steam-cooked a particularly healthy form of preparation. Steam cooker there are in different designs and sizes. While they were until a few years ago, mostly in professional kitchens, they have begun by now also in private households and are available not only through special large kitchen supplier, but also in well-stocked online stores such as the bn-shop specializing in the sale of kitchen appliances and kitchen accessories. One then has his”steamer purchased, can be the healthy nutrition in attack and the Huftgold melt until the summer.

May 21 2022

On The Current Food

Russian people have almost no gluten in the food. Swarmed by offers, Albert Ellis is currently assessing future choices. This has caused an imbalance of plant and animal protein in the body of the absolute majority of the population and resulted in the disease. Imbalance of protein and vegetable animal led to a lack of “structural material” for building the protein molecules that provide immunity. Small army of parasites freely colonize the human body. An increasing number of patients increases mortality, reduced fertility. Alarming rate rising demographic crisis. In special education food, meat and dairy industry is still cling to the standards of the last century as a “Trough” on human cadavers, not noticing that time inexorably: evolution requires the transmutation of living biomass suschestv.Pitanie – the vital life-support process that can keep the human body at the crest mutational changes, if it corresponds to the normal physiology of human digestion. Food can kill a person if it is unnatural, not physiological, does not provide the body with all necessary and pollutes the human body. Consumed by us in excess of dietary fats of animal origin, rich in cholesterol – the main culprits in the spread of the world of coronary heart disease and the cause of one third of all cases cancer. That’s why doctors urge limited animal products in their diet, but increase consumption of plant foods rich in fiber, or fiber. Today, our innate intuition turns out to be helpless in all that relates to a healthy and beneficial food. And this leads to a dependence on the chaotic “scientific” prescriptions in the area of nutrition makes to get involved in new products and miracle diets, dulls our senses and makes it impossible to immediately respond to harmful impurities in the product. Provide a healthy diet today – a real adventure. Everyone wants to cash in on you: advertisement, industry, medicine, researchers said. While the system will work under the old, until firm and producers will generate revenue by using our own excessive suspiciousness, based on respect for rank, titles and scientific authority, thinking about the disease, rather than health, you can be assured only one thing: nothing will change. We will try to show you the way to healthy eating, the way that you can pass on their own.

Jun 4 2014

Order Pizza: How Can I Tell If Analog Cheese?

Art cheese is often not seen one was anticipating said: analog cheese is non-toxic, but he is not as valuable as genuine cow’s milk cheese for nutrition. In principle it is vegetable fat that has been associated with protein powder and flavors to a cheese-like mass. The nutrient content is relatively low. While real cow’s milk cheese contains calcium and a number of other vitamins and minerals, as well as high-quality protein, lack these important nutrients in the art cheese. The hardened vegetable fats are problematic if they are regularly consumed in larger quantities. Therefore, an analog cheese pizza is not so healthy and actually not too tasty.

Because the replacement cheeses can be tasted out if one is aware that. The problem is that pizza also with a mixture is made from genuine and analogue cheese but, then it is even more difficult for the consumer. Just ask the pizza order if you your pizza at one of the large Delivery services order like for example should always ask, what cheese it is exactly. Actually the big chains is somewhat safer, because they are quite simply more controlled as a small Pizzeria on the edge of the city. Last but not least the principle applies here: large companies have something more to lose.

Because analog cheese is labelled in Germany. Would a pizza chain does not clearly distinguish their cheese, which would be a violation of the law. So ask and look in the list of ingredients. Ingredients such as vegetable fat, flavoring, or milk powder on the pizza are included, you should be careful. “The term pizza mix” clearly refers to artificial cheese. “” “Names like Gouda cheese” mozzarella “or simply cheese” are allowed, but only be used if it is real cheese. Can you see also flavorful analog cheese? Not only hard cheese and soft cheese are made. The replacement for feta cheese can be found in the most takeaways. It can be seen in the smooth, fine structure. Real feta or feta cheese has many different-sized pores, is fixed and can crumble up. The artificial substitute reminiscent of pressed cheese. In a tasting of the WDR, passers-by have incidentally taste better rated the art cheese as genuine sheep cheese. This shows that we can rely on our taste alone not always more. The pizza cheese, there is another problem: In the battered State, the difference is even more difficult to make out. Often also real and artificial cheese are mixed, then is hard to distinguish the original from the fake. There, who can distinguish whether it simply is an inferior real or even my artificial cheese? Both are flavorful, not convincing. But then, there is some evidence. Because the analog cheese has a much higher melting point. It runs at higher temperatures and will not so fast Braun. A Brown crust actually points to real cheese on the pizza. There are exceptions to the rule, if the pizza oven is extremely hot, also the art cheese is brown. Often, artificial cheese tasted something penetrating for cheese that comes from the artificial flavors. Must be not so, because now the manufacturers are actually able to produce deceptively authentic-tasting products. Conclusion: artificial cheese is not harmful to health, however, he has no such high nutritional value of like real cheese. These are inferior goods and to a consumer deception. Pizza delivery services and other restaurateurs are obliged to label the product clearly. Eva Otter