Jun 29 2013

Machining And Alignment

The more walking through the forest, firewood is located. Proverb, Georg Simmel in Metropolis and mental life that provides us with: the deepest problems of modern life arise from that individuals seek to preserve the autonomy and individuality of his existence frete sweeping social forces, historical inheritance, the external culture and technique of life to do this, I would add that the mechanization of our current technicality has crucially influenced our behaviorencasing us and hence aligning us. Munford, for his part stressed: that the first feature of this modern civilization Machinist is its temporal regularity: from the moment of awakening, the clock marks the rhythm of the day. Without dealing with fatigue or stress, despite apathy or disgust, all we got up at the correct time. Delay when you wake up is catisgada with an extra trouble to the breakfast or the walk to different jobs; in the long run it can mean the loss of a job or progress in business. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are made at regular hours and with a strictly limited duration: millions of people running these functions in a short space of time, and only restaurants prepare minutes for which aim to feed outside of hours arranged for the regular scheme. As it increases the level of industrial organization, punctuality and regularity of the mechanical regime tend to grow with her: the clock automatically regulates the entry and exit of workers…

Follow commenting Lewis Munford, machining time is not an absolute. And a population trained to hold a temporary mechanical routine at the expense of their health, convenience and happiness organic, can suffer perfectly the tensions of that discipline and find that life without the stronger remedies, is impossible near the mechanical regularity, there is the fact that in much of today’s mechanical elements trying to counteract the effects of the extension of the spatial and temporal distances As presented in our societies, especially the Latin America, who are conditioned to the great powers, will still be doomed to failure in the analysis of the evaluation of the social process as a result of mechanization, of its correct integration in the society, their benefits, or because not of their effects in the application that we live today, typical of the capitalist countries. Erich Fromm, tells us that: it means alignment, a kind of experience in which a person experiences himself as a stranger.