Zen Buddhist

First a small estria (history) Zen Buddhist. Tanzan and Ekido walked together in a cover with muded road. A strong rain still fell. Next to a crossing of the road, they had found a beautiful young woman who did not obtain to cross because kimono of silk did not want to make dirty the beauty that brought. – She walks young, said Tanzan immediately. E, loading it in its arms, more crossed it for the other side of the cover with muded zone.

From then on, Ekido was ' calado' all the way that they had covered until at night. When arriving at the temple where they would be to spend the night, Ekido did not obtain to contain itself and said the Tanzan: – We them monges do not approach in them to women. Especially they are themselves young pretty. He is dangerous. Why you made that? – I left the young woman there behind, I said Tanzan. You still are to load it? From then on, Ekido was ' calado' all the way that they had covered until at night. When arriving at the temple where they would be to spend the night, Ekido did not obtain to contain itself and said the Tanzan: – We them monges do not approach in them to women. Especially they are young pretty.

He is dangerous. Why you made that? – I left the young woman there behind, I said Tanzan. You still are to load it? The memory always had a privileged treatment in psychoanalysis since Freud until Bion, with one interessantssima contribution of Fairbairn, and is exactly in this axle that desire to work this small article. Freud in the ones backwards a vision of memory as something depositary, a great data base in its ' ' Project for a psychology cientfica' '. that the desire would initially go to search its object of satisfaction saw hallucination there, and later it only saw motilidade.

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