Oct 17 2017

Criminon CIS

October 25, 2010. Every day, a lecturer in Moscow schools to read to children Criminon CIS anti-crime and anti-drug lectures. Criminon CIS – a nonprofit organization that creates a safe environment and helps to start productive life without crime. In addition to the rehabilitation of prisoners is an impressive work on crime prevention. Criminon CIS helps people choose the path of life that suits them.

And certainly, we believe that the special role played in the lives of children who do not yet know much, or do not know how to use their own knowledge. Our lecturer in his lectures to share their experiences and knowledge. Communicating with children at all for a variety of topics, particularly attention they give information about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. We will never impose their own opinion, but we only share our knowledge and conclusions from the above, do the children themselves. It is safe to say that students enjoy the opportunity to decide on what life the way they move. Submission of data takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, because our lectures are always backed up by outstanding examples of life. Someone may say, that children can not themselves make the right decisions on such important topics. We do not agree that, as a rule, after our lectures, they make very accurate conclusions.

Especially nice is that they have their own, and we give them only helped to come to this. Examples of this are reviewed, written after a lecture: “I knew that smoking, drinking, using drugs and injecting harmful. Those people who use drugs, smoke, inject, drink, die. Drugs – is poison. I never tried drugs, and will not try. ” 6 “B” “Drugs are not taken. Alcohol, cigarettes – it poisons the body. They can never accept. They destroy all the vitamins in the body. They are memories are hazy. The man wants the first few times more, then he gets a buzz and he wants to sleep, and then he’ll die if you do not stop! “” I realized that I do not smoke or take drugs, because it acts on the brain and destroys vitamins and calcium. ” “I came to the conclusion that I will only lead a healthy lifestyle. People who do not drink, smoke, stabbing themselves drugs. After all, there are vitamins! I really liked the lecture. ” As outlined in his book “The Way to Happiness” by L. Ron Hubbard: “Today’s children – is tomorrow’s civilization.” Criminon helping to create tomorrow without crime, and every person who is not indifferent to the problems of society can take involved.

Aug 3 2013

Relationships With Loved Ones

Probably rare to find a family in which there is no conflict family psychology often hear complaints about each other that the partner does not understand, can not hear. Collisions occur again and again in the same place although it seemed that this problem is solved. Why is this misunderstanding? According to many psychologists, family, the basis of most conflicts with loved ones – a rigid system of rules of life, attitudes, and stereotypes of people. A person in such a system does not understand that a loved one it may be different, that for him my values are not so obvious as to me. For example, a woman is important to realize themselves, to make career, and it is from morning to night working, and her husband, coming from work, dreaming enjoy a delicious dinner with his wife, but it turns out that it still is not home, not to mention dinner. Here is the basis for a permanent misunderstanding. More One important obstacle to harmonious relations with loved ones – is the need to control the individual family member and family life in general, and the actions of all its other members. This "controller" – the source of many problems in the family.

After all, the rest think they do not trust, and this produces a minimum of discontent or protest control. The job of family relationships is as follows: at first it is important to determine that disrupted the family system, where the very point, after which the interaction of family members is on the way to the conflict. Next issue voiced by family members and nchinaetsya second most difficult step of: psychologist "Trains" the family, how can they communicate differently, how to break the stereotype is no longer working and collaboration select one that suits all members. If we talk about training for relations with relatives, advantage of this form of work is the opportunity to touch many family stories in a short time, to see how their limitations and the limitations of their loved ones, and most importantly – try to build relationship differently. And the last. If you do not like your family relationships, do not expect a miracle, make the relationship different. It is in your power, most importantly – want to change them.

Mar 15 2013


It is also recommended wearing special stockings and tights. Heartburn Heartburn occurs in approximately 50% of women during pregnancy at any of its terms, but more often in the II and III trimester. Usually develops after a meal, especially after drinking copious oily, fried and spicy food. Lasts from minutes to hours, sometimes is repeated several times a day. First of all, it should be noted that for a long painful heartburn should consult a gastroenterologist. To him can you direct physician from the antenatal clinic.

Need to be confident that in this case, all the worry – not the symptoms of diseases of the digestive system, which gave itself felt only now, at the time of pregnancy. Solution. First of all pregnant women should be excluded from the diet of fatty, fried foods, coffee, strong tea and fizzy drinks. Must be fed small portions 5-6 times a day, at the same time. The diet to include milk and dairy products, lean meat, pureed vegetables. After the meal, it is recommended to stand or sit: in the position of the body is less likelihood of heartburn.

It is also recommended to drink alkaline mineral water. Heaviness in the stomach, belching. May be caused by the stagnation of bile, and therefore difficult digestion. And the longer term, the stronger the uterus presses on the bile ducts. In addition, during pregnancy, the load on liver increased two-fold. The solution of the following: to help the liver (and himself), for 20 minutes before a meal, take a pill No shpy, and after – or tablet motilium Hofitol.

Dec 26 2011

Magical Powers of Healing

Not everyone can immediately respond to a question on whether he believes in the magical powers of healing. But the reality is that almost any of us at least once in their lives, even if just mentally, pinned their hopes on some supernatural force. After all, no wonder most people who find themselves in difficult situations, to seek help and advice from fortune-tellers. In the past few years, the number of people seeking support witches have increased dramatically. The reasons are understandable: the economic crisis for many has become a source of serious financial problems. But financial problems, in turn, gave rise to misunderstandings in families, conflicts over disorder. Hundreds of people were left without work, thousands have been forced to drastically change the way of life. And for many families, these disasters have become a kind of test for strength.

Verification, to sustain force under far not for everyone. It is not surprising that in this situation help people with a powerful energy, has become particularly relevant. Charms for love, a love spell on adultery, as well as conspiracies to find work for many become the last hope to save the family. Today, unfortunately, a truly gifted healers who know the secrets of the ancient conspiracy, virtually gone. People, faced with the drama of life – a betrayal, divorce, illness, a loved one – are increasingly turning for help to the first available fortune-tellers, not knowing that by doing so cause themselves even more harm. And in vain financial losses when dealing with charlatans – the most innocent evil that can bring a man such applications. But, fortunately, many of the traditional charms and spell survived to this day.